Monday, November 30, 2009

Grapes Are a Healing Food

Grapes health benefits are amazing. They are one of leading foods that contains antioxidants. They have healing properties that protect you heart, help prevent cancer, gives you glowing skin and hair and speeds up the wound healing process.

Grapes have been used for centuries for health and beauty. People in Egypt have been eating them for over 6,000 years. European healers have even created an ointment using the sap of grape wines to cure skin and eye ailments. It's best that you buy organic grapes rather than regular grapes. That way you are assured they are free of any pesticides.

Grape leaves have been used to stop bleeding, reduce inflammation and pain. They have also been used to treat cancer, cholera, small pox and host of other diseases. They were brought to America in the 1600’s.

Grape seed oil is a popular supplement that is gaining much popularity in the alternative healing community because it contains concentrations of Vitamin E flavornoids and linoleic acids. Grapes help compound free radicals, which are highly reactive molecules that can damage cell functions, such as the pollution and the sun.

Grape seed oil is also great for treating high blood pressure. It is used to combat many conditions of the heart, such as hardening of the arteries, high cholesterol and poor circulation. It is even used in the treatment of hearing and vision problems. It can help slow down macular degenerative disease and speed up the wound healing process after injury or surgery. Let me also add it can help regulate liver and lung functions. It is normally taken in capsule or tablet form.

Table grapes in berry or wine form are just as beneficial for you. Grapes contain high quantities of quality fiber, B and C vitamins as well as minerals from the soil they are grown in. Red grapes contain high quantities of proanthocyanidins, which protect the heart. But remember this buyers, non organic grapes are heavily sprayed with pesticides. especially grapes imported from other countries. It’s important you know this and go with organic grapes whenever possible.

In the wound healing process as we just mentioned, what is really interesting is how they learned that grapes had this capability. It seems that it all started with a study of tree bark, of all things. It turns out that treating wounds with bark from maritime pine trees is a popular folk remedy in France.

When the researchers looked into the chemistry of this pine bark they found it was rich in proanthocynanidins, the key chemical described in the study. Then they looked through the chemical literature for more convenient source of proanthocynanidins, and found grape seeds. The study was rather different because it was the first time a natural substance had been shown to have such a positive impact on wound healing.

Here we see how free radicals actually serve a positive function. They stimulate the growth of blood vessels and skin during healing. In addition they kill harmful viruses and bacteria. It was found that in the wound healing process, wounds don’t heal as well if you squelch the process of forming free radicals. This doesn’t diminish the negative impact free radicals may have elsewhere in the body. It does, however, show that they serve and important purpose in some situations and shouldn’t be eliminated completely.

As for why these chemicals act differently in wounds than in the rest of the body, it seems the presence of other free radicals in wounds actually changes the properties of the proanthocyanindins themselves. In other words, when they are surrounded by lots of free radicals, proanthocynanindins join them instead of trying to beat them. The advantage is that they last much longer than the free radicals made by the body, which explains why they are so effective.

Isn’t it amazing that nature provides us with so many things in the universe that are a benefit to all our health problems? Healing yourself is very possible when you know what to do to make it happen. I’ve known that for a long time in my research on the Internet and various other sources in the last 5 plus years. But you don’t hear much about it in the local press or on national TV.

You know why? Big Pharma would soon be out of business if the word got out about natural healing any more than it does now. They have many ways of blocking such kinds of this information. Most people don’t realize how much they are being brainwashed by their claims and our government supports them every day. Shame on them!

To your good health,
Sonny Julius

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