Saturday, October 31, 2009

An Alternative Cure is Best Way to Cure Illness

It’s important to know that an alternative cure is always the best way to cure illness. But most people believe that prescription drug company products are the best cure for any disease or illness. They will spend years subscribing to this method and still won’t resolve their ailments.

The reason they won’t cure illness or disease is because prescription drugs are not the right answer. They never get to the root of the real problem causing your illness. They are only Bandaid treatments that mask the real health problem. In fact, in most cases, you can create additional problems by using prescription drugs.

Don’t believe it? Then why is it, many times, that when you return to your doctor for another visit, you may get an additional prescription drug to resolve another problem that just cropped up later? Sometimes this routine will continue until people are eventually taking multiple prescriptions. I’ve have talked to people who are taking as many as 13 different drugs.

Your body has a built-in healing system. It will do its job perfectly if you will only do your part by not abusing it. That means feeding it the proper food, exercising regularly, managing stress, adding healthy nutrients to your daily regimen and eventually weaning off of any prescription drugs you may be taking. These things enhance the function of the immune system.

I share these medical concerns with everyone in the articles that I write and submit to directories, on my web site and also on my blog. I also share this information with friends I know who have some major ailments. What is very disturbing to me is some of these friends are so brainwashed by their doctors that they are discouraged from believing that an alternative cure method is not the best for them.

One friend I talked to about an alternative cure method has had a severe heart problem for 25 years. He has had by-pass surgery and several other minor surgeries over the years. He isn’t convinced anything else can resolve his health problem except his doctor and multiple prescription drugs. Yet he has had several life threatening episodes since then.

Another friend I talked to with even more problems feels the same way about his doctor and his medications. Even though he listened to my presentation about my methods, he discussed it with his doctor who advised him to reject my ideas. He never really understood that his doctor wasn’t helping him to get healthy and fit.

I find it hard to understand why a doctor would object to an alternative medicine program for their patients which is, by far, the safer way to heal. But then I guess I should understand because doctors get very limited education about being nutrition smart in all their years in medical school.

Only naturopathic, osteopathic and holistic doctors understand the value of natural healing therapy and remedies for their patients. The influence that Big Pharma has on this situation, the medical association beliefs and the U.S. Congress being brainwashed by both of these organizations contributes to the sad condition of the country’s health

The new administration of Obama probably will not solve this issue either. There is only one solution to this major health problem and it is "education."There needs to be legislation enacted to set up some kind of national educational program to teach people how to live healthy and ways to stay healthy. If we could get that done we would have a healthier America. However if this ever gets done it will be a "miracle."

You have to understand that by educating people to become healthier that means less dependence on drugs is needed. Less dependence on drugs means less business for any prescription drug company and even less business for doctors and hospitals. So you see why I now say if that ever happens it will be a "miracle?"

So what’s the answer to this major health problem here in America? Listen to the health researchers, doctors who are knowledgeable about natural healing therapy methods and the ones that have written medical newsletters about alternative cure. Then take charge of your health and practice their methods to cure illness which is the only answer.

This is the only way we will get this job done. And believe it or not it is beginning to happen even though it’s a slow process. More and more people are learning that their doctors are not advising them how to live healthy and ways to stay healthy and are searching for better answers to all of their medical concerns.

It may take years for this movement to finally solve our national health problems, but I believe it will eventually happen.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Eating Unhealthy Foods Can Cause Serious Illnesses

Each time you sit down to a meal you are making a life-death decision. Does that sound scary? I hope it does because whatever you are eating determines whether you will be healthy or unhealthy. So let me encourage you to be nutrition smart.

It has been proven over and over again that you are what you eat. Now granted you may eat some things periodically that are not good for you but it's not wise to continue to do so day after day. Consuming the wrong foods can create many medical concerns, such as contacting some major illnesses and diseases.

I've heard some of my friend's say. " I eat whatever I want, If I can't eat what I want I just as soon die." Well some of them have died and others have some serious illnesses or diseases because they felt this way. So I believe this is a very foolish thing to say. Why would anyone want to subject their body to foods constantly that causes them discomfort and health problems is beyond my reasoning.

I would believe living a healthy life is a much better way to live. It's really amazing how many natural things are available to help us be healthy and keep us healthy. Yet this information is not widely known by the general public. Most doctors don't tell you. No prescription drug company won't tell you either.

You very seldom ever hear it or read it in the press how to live healthy and how to stay healthy. I never became as conscious of my health or my wife's health until she was diagnosed with breast cancer over five years ago. Even though we believed we were eating healthy we didn't realize that some foods we were eating did not contribute much to our total health fitness.

That's when I met a naturopathic doctor and began to learn some valuable information about the functions of the immune system and many other health matters. I even started doing some research on my own too. Wow! Did I get a terrific education on what is necessary for living a healthy life. Since then I have kept up researching information on health matters even more intensively than before.

I learned that even food can cure illness many times. More than 9,000 scientific studies have proven beyond a doubt that food can be your best medicine.I know you have heard the famous saying, "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" I never knew how true this was until I started researching information on the Internet. I found various health reports and medical newsletters to support the theory that apples have been proven to be potent weapons against cancer, heart disease, asthma, and type 2 diabetes for many years. Strawberries and raspberries contain a compound called ellagic acid. They are some of the best cancer fighters Mother Nature ever created.

When eating these fruits, this compound enters the bloodstream to help vanquish cancer cells on contact. Also by eating a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast or eating pears you can regulate your cholesterol. These simple foods can help keep your LDL (bad) cholesterol below 130 and HDL (good) cholesterol above 65. It's also helpful to consume foods that contain soluble fiber (dissolves in liquids), such as beans, barley, oats, peas, apples, oranges and pears. Soluble fiber reduces the absorption of cholesterol from the intestines into the bloodstream.

All of this type food shows you that the nutritional value of food is truly important about how to improve your life to a much healthier level. There is virtually a cure or prevention for every disease or illness. So for anyone who has not learned the benefits of healthful eating let me encouraged you to start your own education on the subject today. You can find a lot of good information on the Internet.

There are medical newsletters you can subscribe to that are published by doctors who believe in natural medicine healing procedures for any kind of illness or disease. It's sad that most people are not getting honest answers about the proper way to get healthy and fit. It's also concerning to me that people are swallowing large amounts of worthless prescription drugs that are sometimes causing more serious ailments then before they ever started taking them in the first place.

So I guess the only thing to do is to keep preaching good health ideas to people I know and meet. I'll also continue writing articles on many current healthcare issues and submit them to directories. I now have a blog where I write weekly articles on health and fitness and I have published an ebook recently "How to Have a Healthy Life for Sure" which is available on my blog now.

Hopefully someday, with all the information that is available on the Internet, such as the medical newsletters written by several qualified doctors and even reports written by health professionals about healthy practices, maybe we will eventually make people realize they can truly learn how to cure illness naturally. Then if they do become more concerned about their health, maybe they will start to make some serious lifestyle changes that will help them live a healthier and more productive life.

Friday, October 16, 2009

The Swine Flu Shot Vaccine Hoax

Winter will soon be upon us and the medical community and every prescription drug company are already getting money hungry once again. So they believe it’s about time to turn on the alarm once again and remind you how critical it is to get your flu shot. However, stop and listen to this.

The flu vaccine has been documented as a complete failure. Many well-known doctors that practice natural healing medicine will tell you the flu shot is not only worthless but extremely dangerous as well. They believe if you will just take charge of your health, practice a healthy routine everyday, you can prevent and even cure the flu.

Please folks don’t be brainwashed into thinking a flu shot will prevent you from getting the flu. What you should really understand is that people who die from the flu are already sick and the functions of the immune system are below par. When that happens the immune system cannot defend them against any kind of illness.

The ultimate treatment for the flu is proactive prevention. If you will eat the right food, avoid junk food, get plenty of rest and stay emotionally balanced you will build up your defense system (your immune system) and mostly likely it will smash the flu bug. Then you will have the proper formula for living a healthy life.

Start learning how to eat properly. That means stop eating junk food, processed food, sugary foods and trans fats. You need to know that fast food ingredients are extremely hazardous to your health. Any increase in fat consumption should be in the form of essential fats like Omega–3 found in cod liver oil or in fish oil.

Also eat the good carbohydrates like those in vegetables, and the healthy proteins in clean, naturally raised meats and free-range chicken (These aren’t usually found in your typical grocery store) Their meat products usually come from factory farms which inject hormones and antibiotics in their animals.

You need to search for organic supermarkets that are selling organic or natural raised meats. This type meat is raised without hormone injections or antibiotic drugs injected into their animals. If you ever saw the process the factory farms use to produce their meat products you would be totally shocked at their cruel and unhealthy production methods. You should also be just as concerned of farm-raised fish too.

It’s really insane that people get hoodwinked into thinking they desperately need to get the flu shot so they won’t get terribly sick or even die. People will get in long lines in shopping malls, supermarkets, the hospital or clinics to get their flu shot hoping they won’t run out of the vaccine before they are able to get vaccinated.

Every prescription drug company that is producing the swine flu vaccine will be generating millions of dollars in profits because of people responding favorably to their advertising efforts. Their ads are so convincing to some people that it could almost cause a panic attack for many of them if they don't get the flu shot.

20 years ago the flu vaccine was only recommended for those over 60 years of age with chronic health conditions. Now these shots are recommended for even very young children and that’s thought to be very dangerous by those doctors who practice natural healing therapy. This belief is generating many medical concerns for those who know the consequences of injecting children or adults with any vaccine.

Besides the toxins in the vaccine, those who get immunized are in for a big surprise because the vaccine will actually do little to protect them from the flu. A vaccine won’t "save you" from the flu or even a more serious diseases because the functions of the immune system usually becomes seriously dysfunctional when you take it. Besides there are far too many potential "invaders" to ward off via the artificial means of vaccination.

However there is still a majority of people who allow themselves to be sucked into the belief that getting vaccinated against the latest flu bug is the proper way to take charge of your health. In reality it's better to know how to live healthy and how to stay healthy by applying natural healing methods. So avoid the brainwashing. Getting stressed out could be even more serious than getting the flu.

Step back for a moment and realize the following is just pure common sense. If your body’s immunity level is where it naturally should be, you won’t have to worry about this flu vaccination issue every winter. Just learn how to be more nutrition smart by adding some healthy nutrients to your regular diet everyday.

Learn the nutritional value of foods that are beneficial to your health and you should even get less concerned about contacting other chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease. Because when you are eating the proper diet, your body is designed to starve off these bugs and all the "bad’ invaders that you may be exposed to.

Now it’s being said, there will be new resistant strains of the bugs and then more new bugs after that and after that. So the perceived "need" for vaccines against them will rise until everyone is injecting or inhaling these things in such a frenzied matter you’ll think they were all addicted to heroin or cocaine.

Then every prescription drug company will be thrilled once again because they will be sucking in more millions of dollars into their coffers from your wallet or purse. Prevent the flu and other diseases for good. If you are only interested in quick fixes like a vaccine to avoid the flu and any other sicknesses you could get it will be a losing proposition for sure.

After all this is said and done these injections won’t save you anyway, because they are far too many potential invaders when the functions of the immune system becomes dysfunctional. And besides, the mix of all the toxins in the vaccines and in the drugs will harm you and could likely kill you faster. Do you really think it’s worth the risks? I wouldn’t think so.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Drugs Addictions Make Me Sad and Mad

I’m sad and mad and I’ll tell you why, in just a little while. For over four years now I have been searching the Internet and other sources for information on natural healing methods to solve people’s illnesses and diseases.

During that time I’ve also wrote an ebook on how to be healthier in body and mind. I’ve also written many articles on how to live healthy and how to stay healthy and then submitted them to various directories. This blog is now just another way I can teach people how to achieve total health fitness.

Recently I was introduced to a fantastic line of nutritional products that has helped people all over the world to solve their persistent health problems and become more nutrition smart. With these healthy nutrients they now had a better chance of reversing their illnesses.

So I decided to start making people aware of these fantastic products. I chose a health forum I found on the Internet to spread the word of what these products would do to help them solve any current health issues that they had.

Well, I got the shock of my life when I started reading the sad stories of everyone’s health problems. But the biggest shock was when I started reading stories of people addicted to alcohol, drugs like Adderall, Marijuana, Ridilin, pain pills and prescription drugs I’ve never heard of. These were some people as young as nineteen years old and they had even been addicted since they were thirteen years old.

Now I have to admit that these people got themselves into this by their own free will without using proper judgment. However when you are hurting in some way and nobody reaches out to you to help you, you get desperate and seek out the wrong kind of help, which is usually a doctor visit or buying non prescription drugs or illegal drugs. No one probably told them an alternate cure was the real answer to their problem.

That’s what made me sad. But what really made me mad were the doctors prescribing these poisons to people without trying to find the real cause of their problem. Following a natural healing therapy program can usually reverse a person's unhealthy condition. However conventional doctors rarely know how to administer those types of therapy.

So the problem continues to persist for those people and eventually their health condition gets even worse and maybe even results in their death.To give you an idea how grave a problem I think this is, here’s a few stories I would like to share with you. All these individuals are begging for someone to help them.

23 year old male student

He has been struggling with alcohol addiction and it’s hard for him to escape the atmosphere. He says every time he turns around there’s an opportunity to drink. He says he’s been to AA but he can’t keep it up. He is a college student but he’s failing every semester in trying to achieve a degree in mechanical engineering. Being unhappy about something in his life caused him to continue this kind of life.

43 year old male

He started taking Ritalin in 1976 when he was in the third grade. Now he is trying to stop but is going through all kinds of withdrawal problems after being addicted to it for 30 years. On a trip recently after driving for three hours, he had to pull off the road and take a nap. That really scared him. There is no doubt in my mind that if he had been more nutrition smart he could have whipped this poor health condition.

Wife and Mom in Florida

She has been taking pain pills off and on for four years. She gets sick of them, gets off them but eventually gets right back on them again. Her husband is supportive but hates she is taking them. However she doesn’t know how to quit permanently. The best advise I would have for this lady would be "take charge of your health" Learn that healthy functions of the immune system are important in restoring your health to a more favorable condition.

34 year old husband on Father

He has been a heavy pot smoker for the past ten years. He didn’t always smoke every day but would smoke at least four days a week and then smoke a lot. It’s causing him to have some bad thoughts, some being suicidal thoughts. I don't know why people don't understand that to get healthy and fit they have to get rid of their bad habits

British Columbia Student

She has been smoking marijuana as a teenager for roughly two years and did it almost everyday. She quit four years ago but has noticed her memory is terrible. Many times she needs to ask someone again to repeat what they have told her once before. A health improvement program could definitely be what she needs to reverse this problem. I offer that on my website.

20 year old wife

Here’s a case where a wife is trying to help her husband who has been addicted to codeine ever since he was hit by a car three years ago. He developed migraine headaches after that and that’s what got him started on the drug. She has changed his diet and encouraged him to drink more water in the hope his current health care issues would be resolved However he hasn’t been very cooperative and it’s causing marital problems for them.

My response to all these stories has prompted me to send messages to them, encouraging them to contact me so that I can share with them methods to solve their illnesses. You must take charge of your health if you ever hope to solve any current health care issues that wrecking your life.

I have said this so many times, but I want to say it again and again and it’s this. You solve nothing by taking drugs. As a matter of fact, you make the problem even worse many times. There isn't any product from a prescription drug company that will ever cure illness of any kind.

When you have ailments such as the ones presented here, many times what happens is your body will eventually start talking back to you in some way and say "stop abusing me." It’s telling you must begin nourishing it with the proper foods and healthy nutrients so it can do the job it was meant to do for you. And that is to help you be healthy and keep you healthy. Don’t argue with it. Make it happy!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Are Your Current Health Care Issues Being Solved?

It's sad but true the traditional doctor, in most cases, does not help people get well. In the first place most doctors don't spend enough time with you to find out exactly what ails you.

Then to make matters worse they usually write a prescription for your ailment because that is all they know what to do. You see most traditional doctors are not educated very much about nutrition in medical school, so they are not nutrition smart. They only know how to prescribe a drug to cure illness.

Getting hooked on prescription drugs is not a smart thing to do. In fact it is more destructive than it is beneficial. All drugs, as you should know, have a variety of side effects that can make you more miserable many times than before you took them.

Why is the world would you want to subject your body to all those adverse conditions? Besides that you are also suppressing the functions of the immune system so it isn’t able to function properly. No prescription drug company product will solve your illness or disease

It's amazing to me to hear of all the stories of people gulping down multiple amounts of prescription drugs everyday. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) report that drug overdoses killed 33,000 in 2005, second only to car accidents in the category of accidental deaths. In 1999 the number was 20,000 and in 1990, 10,000 died. I wonder what the figure is today? I'm sure it must be bigger by now.

Consider that 46% of Americans take at least one prescription pill daily. Are these drugs really solving all your problems? Big Pharma would like to you to think they do. They spend billions to promote their products on TV, the radio, in print advertising and they even put tremendous pressure on doctors to promote their drugs also. They literally indoctrinate millions of people everyday about the effectiveness of their drugs. Do you know that America is only one of two countries in the world that allows prescription drug ads? The only other country that allows it is New Zealand.

What is so disturbing for me is that Big Pharma has a huge grip on the U.S. Congress. Just take a good look at what is happening. Recent Presidential cabinets and the FDA have been stacked with pharmaceutical executives. Some members of Congress who are really concerned about this nation’s health get defeated every time there is legislature presented to protect all nutritional products. It's vitally important that we add healthy nutrients to our regular diet everyday if we want to enjoy total health fitness.

You want to hear a real sad story? Senator Edward Kennedy was a prime supporter in Congress who would like to have had legislation destroy our ability to buy nutritional products. Now what is a real mystery to me is why would he want to do that when he had a cancerous brain tumor that could have been enhanced by him taking statin drugs for his high cholesterol problem and also his high blood pressure too.

Blood pressure medication typically reduces the flow of nutrition and oxygen to your brain, resulting in acid pH and an environment readily suitable for cancer growth. Now that he has died do you believe he could have extended his life with an alternative medicine program? I'm convinced that it would have been highly possible.

Now as for as statins are concerned, there's even more shocking news to know. Statins cause cancer for a variety of reasons. A fact that is covered up by the 20 billion dollars a year statin industry with the help of Senators on both sides of the political aisle, like Kennedy, who actively supported the Big Pharma agenda.

In addition to statins causing cancer here is some other things to be concerned about. Statins are just one of many drugs that interfere with the normal functions of the immune system in multiple ways. Statins even interfere with core survival systems that are "branches" in the normal production of LDL cholesterol (that's the good cholesterol). In addition important anti-cancer healthy nutrients such as vitamin D and coenzyme Q10 are also reduced by statins.

The disadvantages of taking statin drugs are unbelievably destructive. Even brain cells are weakened by statins. The longer a person stays on these drugs the worse the problem becomes. All this information just presented is only about statin drugs and high blood pressure medication, but this is just a drop in the bucket of the many other prescription drugs that are extremely dangerous to swallow.

It would take page after page of data to list all the prescription drugs that are harmful for you to get hooked on. What is really disturbing is that traditional doctors still prescribe these poisons everyday to their patients. It is rare for any doctor today to share any information with you about how to live healthy and how to stay healthy.

I can't emphasize it enough folks. Get smart about how to take charge of your health before you destroy it completely. Find yourself a doctor who is nutrition smart and that will assist you in setting up some natural healing therapy. Also visit my website for information on total health fitness.