Thursday, December 24, 2009

Diagnosing Autism is a Controversial Subject

This controversial subject has been going on for a long time and still isn't clearly solved. The CDC surveillance of this disease isn't producing much action on their part so far.

It seems that Big Pharma; the medical establishment and even the government aren't taking this problem as seriously as they should. They don't believe vaccinations are ever responsible but there is much proof that they are responsible.

We now know that the rates of Autism have increased nearly 60-fold since the late 1970's, with the most significant increases occurring in the past decade. The latest numbers for the U.S. shows that it affects about 1 in 150 children.

Early warning signs, prior to the age of 18 months, reveals these autistic symptoms:

* Not turning when you say your baby's name.

* Lack of back and forth babbling

* Smiling late

* Not making eye contact with people

These autism behaviors are really "Red Flags" that are absolute indications for immediate evaluation such as: no babbling or pointing or other gestures by 12 months; also no single words by 16 months; no two-word spontaneous phrases by 24 months and loss of language or social skills at any age. All these conditions need attention.

Dr. Ed Yazbak, a retired American pediatrician, insists that the increase in autism rates is real and argues that this can only be attributed to environmental factors. He says vaccination may not be the only cause but is convinced that it plays a part.

There are definitely too many vaccines, said Dr. Yazbak. "It is pretty crazy to give vaccines on the first day of life when the child doesn't need them."

The conversation about immunization and autism just goes on and on and the disagreements between various parties never seem to settle the controversies.

Thimerosal, a mercury based vaccine preservative, has now been removed from childhood vaccines. Now because of that the increase in reported cases of autism has not only slowed but also actually reversed since then.

Dr. Robert Davis, director of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) immunization safety group, argues that this theory about vaccines cannot really be taken to provide any evidence one way or the other. He said, "Solid evidence of a link between themerosal and autism could result in serious repercussions for government agencies and drug companies.

The Freedom of Information Act said that newly released documents indicate that the CDC was actually discouraging themerosal's removal behind the scenes, despite their public call for removal.

At one point the CDC rejected a proposal by drugmaker SmithKline Beecham to produce themerosal-free vaccines. A federal health officer, who wants to remain anonymous, believes that there were other considerations besides safety guiding CDC's actions.

He believed CDC was protecting the economic interests of drug industry partners. What would have probably happened if that action were taken, the industry's stockpiled themerosal- based vaccines would have become worthless had there been an immediate ban on the substance.

These kinds of actions just heighten my medical concerns of situations such as these. No prescription drug company should have the power they have for influencing doctors and government agencies to their way of thinking.

Understanding autism is a real challenge for those who are truly interested in finding the real cause of autism. Big Parma and the medical community will argue forever their beliefs and remedies about the disease.

Parents need to start believing the real truths about autism and take a serious stand about what to do about it. Then support those doctors and scientist who have the real answers to this serious disease.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Six Steps to Get Healthy and Fit

It's easy to get healthy and fit when you know what to do to make it happen. Just implementing six vital and simple steps in your daily health regimen every day could help you get healthy and fit in as little as 90 days time.

Here are those six vital and simple steps to add to your daily health regimen

1) Diet

Learn what foods are necessary for a healthy diet. Fruits and vegetables are the prime foods that should be added to your diet every day. It's also important to purchase as much food as you can from organic supermarkets too.

Why is this important? Simply because fruits and vegetables sold in organic supermarkets are free of pesticides. As far as meat and fish products go it’s also best to buy them from the same source. Reason? Meats are free of hormones and antibiotics. Fish bought there should be the wild caught variety because they are healthier.

2) Exercise

You should set up a regular daily exercise program no matter how detailed or simple it might be. Walking, biking and walking on a treadmill are the most common exercises. In addition to controlling an overweight condition it's also beneficial for a healthy heart.

Fitness experts agree it's best to initiate some form of exercise at least 3 to 5 times a week no matter how simple it might be. Of course, the more intense the exercise the most beneficial it is to your overall health condition.

3) Stress Management

Relieving stress using stress reduction techniques should be a priority if you do experience chronic stress. Chronic stress can be a very serious condition that should be addressed sooner than later.

The conventional doctor many times will suggest a certain prescription drug to correct this serious condition. Do not be swayed by any doctor recommendation to cure this condition with any drug. There are many CD and Video stress management programs that can be a successful way to correct this problem.

4) Weight Control

This is a subject that is probably one of the most discussed topics of all when it comes to how to get healthy and ways to stay healthy.

Obesity is one of the most serious health hazards facing America today. In fact it has even become a serious health crisis for the whole world as well. It can cause many illnesses and diseases. Diabetes and cancer are at the top of this list.

5) Nutrition

Even though it's recommended to get all your healthy nutrients from the food you eat each day, it’s unlikely you could consume that much food every day to get the recommended amount of healthy nutrients. Consequently you need to add healthy nutrients to your body every day in the form of certain nutritional supplements.

It's important to know that vitamin deficiency in America is really a serious health problem and is the result of people contacting serious illnesses and diseases. It's rare if you find the typical conventional doctor to recommend any healthy nutrients for you to take daily. So the responsibility lies with you to learn which ones are most important to take every day.

6) Mind Control

Mind Control is probably not considered by most people to be beneficial for how to get healthy and fit. However it is definitely beneficial for being able to live a healthier lifestyle. Having a healthy mind is just as important as having a healthy body.

As a matter of fact learning how to use your mind properly can help tou not only live healthier but also cause you to become more productive in everything you do in life. When you really think about it, the mind is probably the most important tool you have in your whole body.

These six vital steps for how to get healthy and fit have only been discussed briefly here. My ebook, "A Healthy Life for Sure" explains a lot more about these six vital steps.

By using these six health improvement steps it's highly possible to improve your overall health condition within 90 days time. A healthy diet could help increase your energy dramatically; exercise, stress management and weight control can improve your heart function and more; adding healthy nutrients can enhance the function of your immune system and mind control techniques will help you think more positively to improve your overall performance in every activity in your life.

Do yourself a real favor and download my ebook today by clicking here. You will be amazed how powerful these six vital steps can be for developing the healthiest body and mind you have ever experienced in your life. By downloading my ebook now you will receive it in seconds and can get started with the first step immediately.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Hazards of Factory Farm Meat Producing

For those who don't know what factory farming is, here's what it is in a nutshell. It's the unsanitary and inhumane production of meat products.

For instance all meat-producing animals such as beef cattle, pigs and chickens etc; are subjected to production by horrendous methods. Most beef cattle spend the last few months of their lives at feed lots crowded by the thousands into dusty, manure-laden holding pens. The slaughtering process is even worse and too gross to mention here.

The chicken production process is just as bad and inhumane. Around 95% of the eggs available from these chickens come from egg factories, where the birds are held in battery cages which are very small with slanted wire floors. Five to eight birds are crammed into 14 inches cages. To prevent aggression (due to the stress) chicks are debeaked. To lift the production up hens lives in constant light.

As male chicks are not useful for the broiler industry, and 50% of chicks hatched are males, they need to be disposed and killed at birth. Broiler chickens are selectively selectivity bred and genetically altered to produce bigger thighs and breasts, the parts in most demand. This breeding creates birds so heavy that their bones cannot support the weight. As they are bred to grown fast they reach market weight of 3 1/2 pounds in seven weeks.

Broilers are raised in overcrowded broiler houses instead of cages to prevent the occurrence of bruised flesh, which would make their meat undesirable. Their beaks and toes are cut off and the broiler houses are usually unfit to prevent fighting among the birds. A mix of confinement, little moving space, little or no sunshine, too little vitamins and dietary deficiencies can result (and they usually do in factory forms) in a variety of health conditions and diseases.

Darkened rooms and close confinement result in animals being bored, frustrated and fearful. In reaction to this stress animals burn up available energy and healthy nutrients that would otherwise go toward growth, resistance against diseases, lactation and gestation.

In the 1940's it was discovered that chickens grew faster when fed the mash left over from the antibiotic process. To this day no one really knows why antibiotic drugs speed growth, but within years of this discovery they became standard feed additives for poultry, cattle calves and pigs.

In the 50's and 60's animal scientists mapped out the role of hormones in growth and production and started making hormone-effecting products as feed additives and implants.

Now if you believe that any of this shouldn't raise any medical concerns for humans. I guarantee it should. If you are concerned about living a healthy life you do not want to eat any products produced in a factory farm. The safest food of any kind should be brought in organic supermarkets. Their meat and chicken products and even chicken eggs are not subjected to any factory farm processes.

If you have heard about the e.coli virus the factory farms could be where it starts. This virus can not only create some horrendous health conditions but it can also cause death too. In a story recently in the New York Times was the sad story of Stephanie Smith, children dance instructor. Stephanie contacted the e.coli virus when she consumed a burger patty her mother grilled for their Sunday dinner.

Stephanie thought she only had a stomach virus. The aches and cramping were tolerable that first day and she finished her classes. Then her diarrhea turned bloody, her kidneys shut down and finally seizures knocked her unconscious. The convulsions grew so relentless that doctors had to put her in a coma for nine weeks. When she emerged she could no longer walk. The affliction ravaged her nervous system and left her paralyzed.

Because of situations like these you must learn how vital it is to take personal charge of your health. You cannot trust the medical community, government or Big Pharma to care about your health. After more than five years of researching information on the Internet, reading medical newsletter and special health reports of doctors well educated in nutrition, this is the criteria I use to manage my health. I'd suggest that you do your own research about your health and even visit my website for infomation on many health matters.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Taking Healthy Nutrients is Nutrition Smart

Most people do not realize how nutrition smart it is to supply your body with healthy nutrients either through vitamins, minerals and healthy food.

While it is best to get all of your nutrition through eating healthy food it is not always possible to do so. That's because what it is required daily by the U.S. Dietary Guidelines you couldn't consume that much food.

So to reach the nutritional level required by the U.S. Dietary Guidelines that is why you need to add healthy nutrients in the form of vitamins and minerals to your daily diet.

Now you want to make sure the healthy nutrients you are adding to your diet everyday are wholesome and purely natural. The best nutrients are plant based. In other words the ingredients in the nutrients are actually grown in plants of various kinds.

Most vitamins and minerals available in local drug stores are usually of the synthetic variety and are short on nutritional value. Since that is true they are usually considered useless to even put in your body.

Now there is a lot of controversy about the true value of healthy nutrients but food scientists have proven they are the keys for living a healthy life. It is true that people who do not get proper nutrition are usually the ones who experience illnesses the most.

You see even the proper function of the immune system can be helped by becoming nutrition smart. And since the proper function of the immune system is responsible for defending your body from illnesses and diseases that is why you need to be nutrition smart.

The naturopathic, holistic doctors and other doctors educated in nutrition know the value of being nutrition smart, as a matter of fact they may even perform test to find out if you are deficient in some vitamins or minerals. Conventional doctors don't spend that much time with you thoroughly diagnosing your health problem. But besides that it is not even typical that they are nutrition smart enough anyway.

Medical students get only a smidget of nutritional education in medical schools. They are only trained how prescription drug company products are supposed to cure illness. Because of that their patients become hooked on drugs and many even experience additional illnesses because of it

Certain natural supplements can target particular health issues and increase your resistance to them. If you want to get healthy and fit this is the route you should be following. So that is why on my website and in my blog I encourage people to take charge of their health. I also recommend that they become more educated about health matters too so they know what it takes to get healthy and fit.

In the past five years plus I have spent many hours researching information on the Internet for alternative and natural cures and remedies for illnesses and diseases.I learned how to live healthy and also ways to stay healthy by following certain health guidelines and applying them to my health regimen everyday.

Exercises, stress management, weight management and mind control is also just as important as taking healthy nutrients everyday. Now here is something that may interest you. I do have access to a free questionnaire, which will give you particular information, about what nutrients you are lacking in your body.

It's a short questionnaire but it does provide you with valuable information on what nutrients you should be taking on a daily basis. If you are interested in answering certain health questions it would be well worth your time. If interested contact me by email to set up a particular time that is convenient for you. As mentioned earlier it’s free and there is no further obligation after taking it.

To your good health,
Sonny Julius