Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Cardiologist Doctor and Traditional Remedies

The Obama healthcare legislation will never be meaningful mostly because of the Cardiologist Doctor and their traditional remedies belief. This one small group of medical providers known as “interventional cardiologists” (IVC’s) and their occulting plaque theory is one big cause of what will be the complete failure of the healthcare legislation.

The cardiologist doctor is kept busy by passing, stenting and smashing plaque and clots that occlude coronary arteries that carry blood to the heart. This procedure eventually becomes a complete failure because it never really solves the real problem.

Many Heart Operation Procedures

When plaque and clogs impair the coronary circulation, the results can be angina, heart attack, stroke or even death. The sad truth is these patients going through this procedure fare no better than patients who had sham surgery, where nothing at all was done. Complete failure of this procedure will continue to be a good reason to either reform the healthcare legislation or start over again with new legislation.

Back in the 1950’s it seemed pretty obvious that to get around to the process of occluding plaque as good, so several ingenious surgical techniques were invented and tested against sham surgeries (where nothing was done.)
These become part of the traditional remedies that the cardiological doctor started to use.

The First Heart Operation Procedure

One of the first idea was called “pericardial poundage”, which was wrapping the heart in a sack. Then a powder in the sack was to feed the heart, providing nutrition and oxygenation. This did not work. After this procedure didn’t work and was a complete failure the cardiologist doctor moved on to ligating (tying off) the clogged artery in hopes of increasing collateral circulation via the other vessels.

Fixing clogged arteries was still the goal of establishing the traditional remedies theory as the right way to go. But since removing the clot was too dangerous, the ingenious coronary artery bypass graft, what you know as a heart “bypass” was invented. Healthcare legislation will never be written the right way because of the influence of the medical society and Big Pharma. Even after ten years of study, the results of the “bypass” procedure is still not good.

The Cardiologist doctors will never believe this procedure has really been a complete failure. These patients did not live any longer than those who received standard medical care. Many did not even survive the procedures. Half the patients had a rough recovery over a year or more, with many becoming cardiac invalids. A significant group suffered memory loss at one year after surgery, and still more suffered memory loss after five years.

Heart Operations Are Still Complete Failures

Why does a cardiologist doctor continue with these traditional remedies forever and ever? Would you think a considerable profit margin might be the answer? Since only about 20% to 30% of all patients who received a “bypass” got some benefit it wasn’t considered a complete failure by them.

However a new technique was soon developed called “angioplasty” This technique using a balloon that is attached to a catheter is fed into the offending clogged area of the artery and then blown up. It smashes the plaque and opens the artery. It was less dangerous than other traditional remedies but no more effective than the heart bypass procedure.

Still determined to stick with their “occluding plaque theory”, stents were soon developed. The cardiologist doctor would use wire tubes inserted into the area where the clog had been smashed by angioplasty. It was believed that stents would stop the artery from reclogging. They really didn’t work and the stented arteries clogged up as quickly as those without stents.

Healthcare Legislation Isn't Solving Health Crisis

So here we are after passing healthcare legislation that the nation's health problems are still not solved. Procedures to cure heart patients still don’t solve the problem. The cardiologist doctor gets richer and the poor heart patient gets sicker. The traditional medical doctor continues to use procedures that eventually become complete failures but people still visit them anyway.

If you truly want to get healthy and fit and solve your medical issues there is only one way. Just make sure you take charge of your personal health yourself. If you want the proper guidance for making that happen visit my website. It is the best health plan to follow.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Government Ideas About Food Regulations

It thoroughly amazes me sometimes that the government ideas about food regulations are the most ridiculous decisions ever made by them. Just recently there was talk about the airlines being forced to eliminate giving peanuts to their passengers because it causes food allergies.

A few months ago there was talk of passing legislation about not providing salt on tables in restaurants. I don’t know if this has become law yet or not but whatever the case it looks like our freedom rights are starting to get challenged with this kind of stupid law.

The FDA Regulations Are Questionable

The FDA regulations about some food are totally ridiculous. They allow some companies to make unbelievable claims about what their product will do. So far FDA Regulations let Cheerios claim that their cereal would help lower cholesterol? There is no way there is any proof this can happen. These government ideas about food regulations continue to frustrate me every day.

Here’s the thing we have to realize. What causes food allergies is the irresponsibility of the individual person’s eating habits. If you are one to know that certain food causes food allergies, don’t eat them.

Our Freedom Rights

Don’t take the freedom rights away from those people who enjoy eating certain foods but cause others to suffer some serious health problems. Why shouldn’t we be able to make our own choices without the government ideas of food regulations interfering?
There needs to be some serious reform of FDA regulations now because they overstep their boundaries every day and violate our freedom rights. Americans are getting fed up with what is happening in many of our government agencies.

The government ideas about salt restriction really has riled up many citizens. Personally I never add salt to my food for two reasons. Number one I’m usually satisfied with the taste of my food. And secondly I don’t want to take the chance of adding any more sodium to my body. But if certain people want to add salt to their food that is their freedom rights. If they want to abuse their body by adding too much salt to their body that is their freedom rights, don’t restrict them.

Government Responsibility

What government ideas should be implementing is to initiate a nationwide educational program to teach people not only how to eat healthy but also how to live healthy and stay healthy. But this is not likely to happen because of the influence of big corporations and Big Pharma. With food producers their biggest concern is to make huge profits. Now that’s OK except when their products causes food allergies or many other health problems.

The processed food industry causes one of the greatest hazards of food safety and it gets worse every day. Because many people want the convenience of preparing meals quicker, they get sucked into the idea that time is more important than preparing healthy home-cooked meals. Here is where FDA regulations really need to get involved because people need to know the hazards of eating this type of food.

The Government ideas regarding Big Pharma is also alarming. Since thousands of people are abusing their body every day eating unhealthy food Big Pharma reaps tremendous profits by selling drugs to solve any illnesses derived from poor eating habits. FDA regulations still continue to Big Pharma produce their poisonous products to treat illnesses even though their products usually cause more harm than good.

Allergy Alarming Statistics

Prescriptions for all types of allergy alone have increased over the past 15 years. Food allergy hospitalization has risen 400 percent. The causes of food allergies are clearly soaring far beyond anything known in the past.

We must be able to protect freedom rights for all our citizens to make their own choices in life but also educate them about how to eat healthy and live healthy. If you believe you may be suffering from a food allergy you must learn what causes food allergies and do a diet elimination challenge. Simply remove all foods that contain what you believe you are allergic too and see if your symptoms improve over the next 30 days.

Get the real health education you need at my website. I have the ideal health plan you need to resolve all of your health issues. You will be glad you finally took charge of your life. Go there now and get started on the healthiest plan and watch how your life changes for the good.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Severe Headaches – A Major Issue About Health

I hear people all the time talking about their severe headaches and it seems to be a major issue with them. I can honestly say I don’t ever remember having a headache at all in my life. If I ever had it’s been longer than I can remember. Some people I have heard of even have daily headaches. That should be very frightening because it is really an alert that something is not right in their body.

A Major Issue About Headaches

So what usually triggers headaches? Well there could be many reasons. Here are a few things that could cause either mild or severe headaches.

* Anxiety:
When you are extremely upset or anxious, you are more likely to develop a headache. And depending on how severe the situation it could even cause severe headaches.

* Glare:
Take it easy on your eyes. Intense bright light in your home or workplace, and sun glare in the car or outdoors, cause tension in your eye muscles. If this condition exists everyday you could have daily headaches.

* Noise:
High levels of noise and ongoing noisy conditions at work or home could create a major issue of severe headaches.

* Medications:
Some prescription medications you take may have the potential to trigger severe headaches. If you notice a pattern of headaches related to when you take your medicine, talk to your doctor about switching medicines.

* Physical Activity:
Watch how much you push yourself. When you exercise or do hard physical labor, the muscles in your head, neck and scalp need more blood to circulate. This swells your blood vessels, which can lead to what’s called “exertional headache”. This could become a major issue and might cause daily headaches if you continue this practical regularly.

* Hormones:
For menstruating women, severe headaches and even migraine headaches are closely tied to the levels of the female hormone estrogen in the body. As your estrogen level fluctuates, especially just before menstruation when it’s at its lowest), severe headaches are most likely to occur and even become a major issue in your life.

* Food Sensitivities:
Watch what you eat and drink. When you eat certain foods, your brain releases neurotransmitters which can cause even daily headaches for some people. Common severe headaches trigger foods are different for everybody, but they may include: aspartame, caffeine, chocolate, alcohol, cultured dairy products, dried fruits, cheese, smoked or dried fish, canned soups, MSG (a food additive), and aged, canned, cured or processed meats.

Address the Problem of Severe Headaches and Daily Headaches

If you or having occasional severe headaches or even daily headaches, this may be an area you want to look into. So here’s a warning I would like to leave you with. Don’t become victim by taking aspirin, Tylenol, Advil or any pain killers. These are only Band Aid treatments and eventually may even become a major issue about your health which may never ever get totally resolved.

Most conventional doctors never seem to solve people’s illnesses permanently they just continue writing prescription after prescription which never solves the underlying problem. All it does is create another major issue regarding your health.
If I was to recommend any doctor to try to resolve your headache problem, it would be a naturopathic or holistic doctor. They cure illnesses with natural and alternative methods.

However many times people can easily solved their own medical problems by initiating six easy steps in their life every day. You can learn about them by signing up for my free six-lesson ecourse. Just go there now and get all the details. I guarantee these methods work. Take a look now and see for yourself.