Sunday, June 20, 2010
The Cardiologist Doctor and Traditional Remedies
The Obama healthcare legislation will never be meaningful mostly because of the Cardiologist Doctor and their traditional remedies belief. This one small group of medical providers known as “interventional cardiologists” (IVC’s) and their occulting plaque theory is one big cause of what will be the complete failure of the healthcare legislation.
The cardiologist doctor is kept busy by passing, stenting and smashing plaque and clots that occlude coronary arteries that carry blood to the heart. This procedure eventually becomes a complete failure because it never really solves the real problem.
Many Heart Operation Procedures
When plaque and clogs impair the coronary circulation, the results can be angina, heart attack, stroke or even death. The sad truth is these patients going through this procedure fare no better than patients who had sham surgery, where nothing at all was done. Complete failure of this procedure will continue to be a good reason to either reform the healthcare legislation or start over again with new legislation.
Back in the 1950’s it seemed pretty obvious that to get around to the process of occluding plaque as good, so several ingenious surgical techniques were invented and tested against sham surgeries (where nothing was done.)
These become part of the traditional remedies that the cardiological doctor started to use.
The First Heart Operation Procedure
One of the first idea was called “pericardial poundage”, which was wrapping the heart in a sack. Then a powder in the sack was to feed the heart, providing nutrition and oxygenation. This did not work. After this procedure didn’t work and was a complete failure the cardiologist doctor moved on to ligating (tying off) the clogged artery in hopes of increasing collateral circulation via the other vessels.
Fixing clogged arteries was still the goal of establishing the traditional remedies theory as the right way to go. But since removing the clot was too dangerous, the ingenious coronary artery bypass graft, what you know as a heart “bypass” was invented. Healthcare legislation will never be written the right way because of the influence of the medical society and Big Pharma. Even after ten years of study, the results of the “bypass” procedure is still not good.
The Cardiologist doctors will never believe this procedure has really been a complete failure. These patients did not live any longer than those who received standard medical care. Many did not even survive the procedures. Half the patients had a rough recovery over a year or more, with many becoming cardiac invalids. A significant group suffered memory loss at one year after surgery, and still more suffered memory loss after five years.
Heart Operations Are Still Complete Failures
Why does a cardiologist doctor continue with these traditional remedies forever and ever? Would you think a considerable profit margin might be the answer? Since only about 20% to 30% of all patients who received a “bypass” got some benefit it wasn’t considered a complete failure by them.
However a new technique was soon developed called “angioplasty” This technique using a balloon that is attached to a catheter is fed into the offending clogged area of the artery and then blown up. It smashes the plaque and opens the artery. It was less dangerous than other traditional remedies but no more effective than the heart bypass procedure.
Still determined to stick with their “occluding plaque theory”, stents were soon developed. The cardiologist doctor would use wire tubes inserted into the area where the clog had been smashed by angioplasty. It was believed that stents would stop the artery from reclogging. They really didn’t work and the stented arteries clogged up as quickly as those without stents.
Healthcare Legislation Isn't Solving Health Crisis
So here we are after passing healthcare legislation that the nation's health problems are still not solved. Procedures to cure heart patients still don’t solve the problem. The cardiologist doctor gets richer and the poor heart patient gets sicker. The traditional medical doctor continues to use procedures that eventually become complete failures but people still visit them anyway.
If you truly want to get healthy and fit and solve your medical issues there is only one way. Just make sure you take charge of your personal health yourself. If you want the proper guidance for making that happen visit my website. It is the best health plan to follow.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
The Government Ideas About Food Regulations
It thoroughly amazes me sometimes that the government ideas about food regulations are the most ridiculous decisions ever made by them. Just recently there was talk about the airlines being forced to eliminate giving peanuts to their passengers because it causes food allergies.
A few months ago there was talk of passing legislation about not providing salt on tables in restaurants. I don’t know if this has become law yet or not but whatever the case it looks like our freedom rights are starting to get challenged with this kind of stupid law.
The FDA Regulations Are Questionable
The FDA regulations about some food are totally ridiculous. They allow some companies to make unbelievable claims about what their product will do. So far FDA Regulations let Cheerios claim that their cereal would help lower cholesterol? There is no way there is any proof this can happen. These government ideas about food regulations continue to frustrate me every day.
Here’s the thing we have to realize. What causes food allergies is the irresponsibility of the individual person’s eating habits. If you are one to know that certain food causes food allergies, don’t eat them.
Our Freedom Rights
Don’t take the freedom rights away from those people who enjoy eating certain foods but cause others to suffer some serious health problems. Why shouldn’t we be able to make our own choices without the government ideas of food regulations interfering?
There needs to be some serious reform of FDA regulations now because they overstep their boundaries every day and violate our freedom rights. Americans are getting fed up with what is happening in many of our government agencies.
The government ideas about salt restriction really has riled up many citizens. Personally I never add salt to my food for two reasons. Number one I’m usually satisfied with the taste of my food. And secondly I don’t want to take the chance of adding any more sodium to my body. But if certain people want to add salt to their food that is their freedom rights. If they want to abuse their body by adding too much salt to their body that is their freedom rights, don’t restrict them.
Government Responsibility
What government ideas should be implementing is to initiate a nationwide educational program to teach people not only how to eat healthy but also how to live healthy and stay healthy. But this is not likely to happen because of the influence of big corporations and Big Pharma. With food producers their biggest concern is to make huge profits. Now that’s OK except when their products causes food allergies or many other health problems.
The processed food industry causes one of the greatest hazards of food safety and it gets worse every day. Because many people want the convenience of preparing meals quicker, they get sucked into the idea that time is more important than preparing healthy home-cooked meals. Here is where FDA regulations really need to get involved because people need to know the hazards of eating this type of food.
The Government ideas regarding Big Pharma is also alarming. Since thousands of people are abusing their body every day eating unhealthy food Big Pharma reaps tremendous profits by selling drugs to solve any illnesses derived from poor eating habits. FDA regulations still continue to Big Pharma produce their poisonous products to treat illnesses even though their products usually cause more harm than good.
Allergy Alarming Statistics
Prescriptions for all types of allergy alone have increased over the past 15 years. Food allergy hospitalization has risen 400 percent. The causes of food allergies are clearly soaring far beyond anything known in the past.
We must be able to protect freedom rights for all our citizens to make their own choices in life but also educate them about how to eat healthy and live healthy. If you believe you may be suffering from a food allergy you must learn what causes food allergies and do a diet elimination challenge. Simply remove all foods that contain what you believe you are allergic too and see if your symptoms improve over the next 30 days.
Get the real health education you need at my website. I have the ideal health plan you need to resolve all of your health issues. You will be glad you finally took charge of your life. Go there now and get started on the healthiest plan and watch how your life changes for the good.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Severe Headaches – A Major Issue About Health
I hear people all the time talking about their severe headaches and it seems to be a major issue with them. I can honestly say I don’t ever remember having a headache at all in my life. If I ever had it’s been longer than I can remember. Some people I have heard of even have daily headaches. That should be very frightening because it is really an alert that something is not right in their body.
A Major Issue About Headaches
So what usually triggers headaches? Well there could be many reasons. Here are a few things that could cause either mild or severe headaches.
* Anxiety:
When you are extremely upset or anxious, you are more likely to develop a headache. And depending on how severe the situation it could even cause severe headaches.
* Glare:
Take it easy on your eyes. Intense bright light in your home or workplace, and sun glare in the car or outdoors, cause tension in your eye muscles. If this condition exists everyday you could have daily headaches.
* Noise:
High levels of noise and ongoing noisy conditions at work or home could create a major issue of severe headaches.
* Medications:
Some prescription medications you take may have the potential to trigger severe headaches. If you notice a pattern of headaches related to when you take your medicine, talk to your doctor about switching medicines.
* Physical Activity:
Watch how much you push yourself. When you exercise or do hard physical labor, the muscles in your head, neck and scalp need more blood to circulate. This swells your blood vessels, which can lead to what’s called “exertional headache”. This could become a major issue and might cause daily headaches if you continue this practical regularly.
* Hormones:
For menstruating women, severe headaches and even migraine headaches are closely tied to the levels of the female hormone estrogen in the body. As your estrogen level fluctuates, especially just before menstruation when it’s at its lowest), severe headaches are most likely to occur and even become a major issue in your life.
* Food Sensitivities:
Watch what you eat and drink. When you eat certain foods, your brain releases neurotransmitters which can cause even daily headaches for some people. Common severe headaches trigger foods are different for everybody, but they may include: aspartame, caffeine, chocolate, alcohol, cultured dairy products, dried fruits, cheese, smoked or dried fish, canned soups, MSG (a food additive), and aged, canned, cured or processed meats.
Address the Problem of Severe Headaches and Daily Headaches
If you or having occasional severe headaches or even daily headaches, this may be an area you want to look into. So here’s a warning I would like to leave you with. Don’t become victim by taking aspirin, Tylenol, Advil or any pain killers. These are only Band Aid treatments and eventually may even become a major issue about your health which may never ever get totally resolved.
Most conventional doctors never seem to solve people’s illnesses permanently they just continue writing prescription after prescription which never solves the underlying problem. All it does is create another major issue regarding your health.
If I was to recommend any doctor to try to resolve your headache problem, it would be a naturopathic or holistic doctor. They cure illnesses with natural and alternative methods.
However many times people can easily solved their own medical problems by initiating six easy steps in their life every day. You can learn about them by signing up for my free six-lesson ecourse. Just go there now and get all the details. I guarantee these methods work. Take a look now and see for yourself.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Some Guidelines for Medicare Benefits Are Troubling
The guidelines for Medicare benefits for the elderly sometimes are very troubling to me. Although I am a senior citizen I do benefit somewhat from Medicare but it is very limited benefits.
What really bothers me the most are the people getting free power chairs and scooters from the Scooter Stores and free products from diabetic accessories stores. Granted there are incidents when some people could benefit from a power chair or scooter from the Scooter Stores but I believe many can survive without them.
However I believe this practice many times becomes a fraud and the Scooter Stores really benefit financially from these guidelines for Medicare benefits. The problem here is that all of us as citizens are paying for this privilege even though we may not ever need a power chair.
One of these Scooter Stores has been in business for 18 years and in that time has made over 475,000 sales. I don’t know how many of these were paid for through the guidelines for Medicare benefits but if it were only 10%, that’s a lot of sales for the Scooter Stores.
Medicare Qualification for Scooter or Power Chair
Here’s how a person qualifies for a scooter or power chair by the guidelines for Medicare benefits. If your limited mobility is the result of a qualifying medical condition and prevents you from accomplishing basic day-to-day tasks independently in your home, Medicare could cover 80% of your new power chair or scooter.
If you have supplemental insurance, it may cover the remaining 20% and if you watch the commercials on TV about the Scooter Stores you see how some people talk about getting their scooter for free. Scooters and/or power chairs sell from $1800 to $5000 a piece. From the looks of some of these scooters on TV most of them look like the deluxe models.
Diabetes Victims
The Guidelines for Medicare also benefits people who buy diabetes accessories too. Again many people with diabetes will qualify for free blood glucose meters and testing supplies paid for by Medicare. These diabetic Medicare supplies companies are making huge profits and you and I are paying for all this too.
As far as the people with diabetes, if they learned how to eat right they wouldn’t have to have insulin or diabetic testing supplies from these diabetic accessories stores. They surely don’t want anyone to know what causes diabetes. No, no, no these companies profit from your ailment just like any company that sells products for people’s ailments.
These Medicare supplies stores TV commercials are very convincing. They say they will send you a free meter and if you qualify for coverage, they will even ship your supplies free and bill Medicare for you.
The Government Accountability Office lists Medicare as a “high risk” government program in need of reform, in part because of its vulnerability to fraud and partly because of its long term financial problems. Fewer than 5% of Medicare claims are audited.
The Real Issue About Health
Here is the real issue. Many people don’t seem to feel as responsible as they should for their own health. They feel if they get sick the government will take care of them. They got that right because it is true “the government will take care of you” in most cases.
What did people do before the guidelines for Medicare program really kicked in years ago? What did they do when there were no “scooter stores” as there are today? What did they do when diabetic Medicare supplies were not free?
Take Charge of Your Health
This is exactly what they did. They took “personal charge” of their health much better than they do today. They didn’t consume multiple doses of prescription drug back then like they do today. It’s a known fact that 25% of seniors take 10 to 19 pills a day for whatever ails them. That is totally shocking to say the least. Not only that it’s highly dangerous to your health to consume that many pills every day.
It’s time to “wake up America” and even “wake up world.” When are you going to get smart and realize that the scooter stores, diabetic Medicare supplies stores and even prescription drug companies are not going to sufficiently solve your health problems? All these companies only supply Band Aid treatments. They are not a lasting cure for whatever medical issues you have.
The Obama government and even all previous governments have failed to address the real issue of health. What we really need is health education not health coverage. If people knew how to better take care of themselves they would not need health insurance to the degree we have now.
I appeal to all citizens young and old to get thoroughly educated, first of all, about prevention measures to prevent illness and disease. Then if you have an ailment or disease or want to know how to prevent them visit my website and begin an education process. Go there now and see what it takes to get healthy and fit.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
The Proven Ways For Preventing Alzheimer’s
Preventing Alzheimer’s just like so many other diseases is our own responsibility. We cannot blame others for our reckless actions we take sometimes. People are constantly abusing their body everyday and wonder why they get certain diseases.
Boosting your immune system is the primary key for defending your body against all diseases. You can stop getting sick if you will just take certain measures to keep youself healthy.
Here are some shocking facts about Alzheimer’s. In last year’s Alzheimer’s Facts and figures report the number of American stricken with this disease was 5.1 million. This year’s report brings us up to 5.2 million, including 200,000 to 250,000 people under the age of 65 with early onset Alzheimer’s.
The General Public is Ignorant About the Facts
It’s a shame more people don’t realize what is necessary for preventing Alzheimer’s because it is predicted by 2050 there are estimates that a full 10 million U.S. “Baby Boomers” will have come down with Alzheimer’s, which translates to 1 out of 8!
You can stop getting sick from just about any illness or disease by simply boosting your immune system. That is also true for preventing Alzheimer’s as well. Fortunately there are several ways for preventing Alzheimer’s if you will just make some simple lifestyle changes which will keep your brain in optimal working order well past your 60’s.
Here are a few ways for boosting your immune system and preventing Alzheimer’s.
* Eat a nutritious diet with plenty of vegetables and pay special attention to avoiding sugar.
* Eat plenty of high quality omega-3 fih oil. Eat only small fish that have only a small amount of mercury in them.
* Avoid aluminum, such as antiperspirants, cookware etc.
* Exercise for three to five hours a week.
* Avoid flu vaccines as they contain both mercury and aluminum.
* Wild blueberries, which have a high anthocyanin and antitoxant content are known to guard against Alzheimer’s and other neurological diseases.
* Challenge your mind daily. Mental stimulation, such as traveling, learning to play and instrument or doing crossword puzzles, is associated with a decreased risk of Alzheimer’s.
Researchers Suspicions
Researchers suspect that mental challenge helps to build up your brain making it less susceptible to the lessons associated with Alzheimer’s disease. There was a small study by researchers at the University Of Wisconsin where they found another way that was valuable for preventing Alzheimer’s. They found there were strong links between low levels of vitamin D in Alzheimer’s patients and poor outcome of cognitive tests.
Researchers believe that optimal vitamin D levels may enhance the amount of important chemicals in the brain and protect brain cells,thus preventing Alzheimer’s.
There is some very strong evidence that by boosting your immune system with vitamin D, either with supplements or natural sunlight you can substantially reduce the risk of cancer, the flu, diabetes heart disease, autoimmune diseases and even preventing Alzheimer’s.
You can stop getting sick from all kinds of illnesses and diseases if you will just follow some healthy guidelines every day. That’s even true if you decide preventing Alzheimer’s is one of your many health which, is a very debilitating and feared disease.
One other tip I have found recently in a newsletter that I get from Dr. Bruce West for treatment for Alzheimer’s is taking coconut oil daily. Dr. Mary Newport, MD dramatically improved her husband’s Alzheimer’s condition with this treatment.
It has long been a theory that certain types of oils that contain medium chain triglycerides (the kind of fat in coconut oil) can provide substantial help for dementia and Alzheimer’s patients.
It’s frightening to see people already experiencing Alzheimer’s disease and not knowing how to prevent Alzheimer’s. The Medical profession doesn’t do one thing to help people solve or learn about any prevention for illnesses or diseases.
The only way today you will learn to stop getting sick and learn how boosting your immune system is the way to wellness is to search the internet or visit websites such as mine and get the right information. Go there and join my 6 lesson Ecourse and see how easy it is to stop getting sick
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Have A Better Life Using Meditation Exercises
There is a proven method available that by using meditation exercises you can have a better life. This meditation method will help you find and fulfill your purpose in life.
Meditation exercises can help you make better decisions about how to live a better life. Bad decisions lead to disappointment, unhappiness, suffering and failure. Good decisions can bring happiness, respect and love.
Now you can develop and use your natural intuition faculty to detect information that you can use, along with information you obtain by physical means, to help make better decisions to live a better life.
By using mediation exercises you will be able to develop your own ESP and learn to project your mind and information to help make better decisions about health, relationships, business, personal development, and even your purpose in life.
If you have never been able to reach your potential to live a better life then the mediation methods will help you achieve that. By using mediation exercises and developing your ESP here are just a few of many things you can achieve:
* Read people like a book
* Gain knowledge about other’s intentions just by looking at them.
* Project your mind any place in the world to detect information.
* Discover your mission in life. Learn what you were sent here to do.
* Improve the lives of others.
* Live a better life that is prosperous, fulfilled and happy.
* Detect hidden information
* Make all your relationships more fulfilling and meaningful.
* Remove psychological barriers that prevent you to live a better life.
* Get and stay healthy with a simple meditation method needs.
* Relieve stress and relax more easily.
* Learn to trust your intuition to help you make better decisions.
Once you have learned the process of using mediation exercises you are going to be amazed how much easier it will be to live a healthy life. You will soon learn to solve illness and most likely increase your longevity.
Meet the man who developed this system and unlocked the secrets of the human mind. It is none other than Jose Silva. Even though he was born to poor parents in Laredo, Texas on the Mexican border he was always successful. His story is a true American success story. In fact, his story transcends time and space.
It is one of the great success stories in the history of the world. He really learned how to live a healthy life. As a six year old boy he began to support his family. After watrching his father die as a result of a terrorist act during the Mexican revolution.
* Jose learned to read and write on his own in both English and Spanish.
* Instead of going to school, he earned money for his family by selling newspapers.
* By the time he was a teenager, he was an employee and hired other youngsters.
What really caused him to discover the mediation methods was mostly because of his children were not following him in his footsteps. Some bad report cards convinced him that he had to find the answer.
Because Jose was determined to teach his children how to live a healthy life and prosper in their later years he began to study psychology, the study of human behavior.
One of things he learned is that the brain operates on a small amount of electrical energy, and that this current viberates rapidly, twenty times every second, referred to as twenty cycles per second, abbreviated twenty cps.
With this information he began to create his Jose Silva Mind Control program. It has now developed into the Ultra Mind system. Jose has since passed away but the program is now under the direction of his son, Jose Jr.
I took the original course years ago and still use it to this day to help me live a healthy life by handling all of life’s challenges. You can learn more by going to the Silva website. Go there now and learn how to live a healthy life forever starting today.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
The Most Unhealthy Foods to Avoid
There are many unhealthy foods to avoid today but I want to mention just one that is very troubling to me. The misleading advertisements of one of the most famous name brand product that is in the most unhealthy foods category I want to discuss here. What really prompted me to write this article was the recent endorsement of this product by the Susan G. Komen for the Cure of Cancer organization. For those not familiar with his stupid decision here are the details.
They agreed to a new Alliance with Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) where pink buckets of fried chicken are sold under the slogan, "Buckets for the Cure" If you don't believe this take a look for yourself at this website.
Not only is this decision the most idiotic I have ever heard but the organization is the most disgusting of all cancer fund raising organizations in the world. Can you believe this type of misleading advertisements of one of the most unhealthy foods would be supported by an organization that wants to cure cancer?
They have been running misleading advertisements already about their “march for curing cancer” which doesn't even happen until October, and this is only May. By the time that day comes around they will have convinced thousands of innocent women to participate and promote one of the most unhealthy foods on the market today. This organization is a drug company front group that actually promotes cancer in my opinion. It is really an outright fraud by scamming consumers out of their money while claiming to search for a cure.
Women Are Duped
Are there American women so stupid to believe that this kind of misleading advertisements of one of the most unhealthy foods is going to cure their breast cancer? I am sorry to say "yes" because there are women who really do believe this hog wash. It is not only sad that they believe this hog wash but it should be a serious crime for any organization to promote this type of "misleading advertisements."
So here's the question that you should ask, does fried chicken actually promote cancer? Well fried chicken is coated in starches. The recipe for KFC chicken batter is basically flour, sugar, salt, black pepper and monosodium glutamate (MSG). This is a recipe for chronic degenerative disease because the flour and sugar are highly processed and the MSG is an excitotoxin that Dr. Russell Blaylock links to obesity, cancer and neurological disorders. The chicken itself is yet another cruel story.
The Real Story
Here's why. When you fry starches at high temperatures, you also create acrylamides, toxic chemical by products of cooking that are believed by many health experts to promote cancer. One scientific study even revealed eating acrylamides boosts kidney cancer rates by 59 percent. Acrylamides are also linked to ovarian cancer. So here we are now Susan G. Komen for the Cure promoting food that promotes cancer. Can you believe this is happening? I can because I know the FDA is so corrupt that they turn their heads when a large corporation like KFC is involved.
What is very frustrating is they continue these misleading advertisements for their product which is among the most unhealthy foods in the world. However here is something else that could be interesting. If the Susan G. Komen organization were using such tactics to promote herbal remedies, it would have been shut down and its executives arrested long ago as fraudulent quacks. But because this organization has such strong ties to the profiteering drug companies, it gets away with these fraudulent marketing gimmicks without suffering a single investigation from the FTC or even the mainstream newspapers.
There are hundreds maybe even thousands of misleading advertisements of food products that are among the most unhealthy foods all over the world. The average American is so unaware of this type of abuse that it is very shocking to me. It is rare that the mainstream media never reports the actual facts of situations such as this.
Education Is the Key
Without people becoming more educated about what is affecting their health, America and even other countries will continue to get sicker and sicker. Our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren could even be affected if they don't realize the consequences of not eating healthy.
Don't count on any government agency to protect you. It won't happen. If you are truly interested is becoming more aware of protecting you health visit my website. Go there now. You will be surprised what you learn
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Iatrongenic Disease Is Part of Medicalization
To explain what this title is all about, here's a simple explanation. In this country we have the best health care system in the world but it is killing us.
The reason being is that we use it poorly many times, because of the fact we have total reliance on medicine and medical intervention of any and all health care problems. That is why it is killing us.
Medicalization is nothing more than too much treatment to cure illness. We don't have a shortage of health care or insurance or too high cost; or too expensive drugs; or a lack of doctors; specialists; or exotic diagnostic machines. What is really happening to cure illness today is we are over treated; over screened, over drugged, over operated, over irradiated and over brain washed.
This is What Iatrogrnic Disease is All About
So here is where iatrogenic disease comes in. Iatrogenic disease is defined this way. It is any adverse mental or physical condition induced in a patient by effects of treatment by a physician or surgeon. In other words, it is the mayhem, damage and death caused directly by doctors and their treatments to cure illness, which is part of medicatization.
Iatroganic disease is broken down into two categories. The first is Type I Medical Malpractice with which you are familiar. This is unacceptable medical or surgical performance that injuries patients. Now the second iatrogenic disease is one most Americans are not familiar with.
It is called Type II Malpractice and it is called medicatization. It is explained this way. Doctors do something very well to cure illness but it was never needed in the first place.
Doctors Not Wholly Blamed
Iatrogenic disease cannot be entirely blamed on doctors and physicians. They simply following the proven peer-reviewed, double-blind studied, gold standards of medicalization to cure illness. Here's the problem. When doctors realize sometimes that their treatments (whether they were needed or not) cause serious problems or death, they have no safe place to report these medical errors.
With no safe place (that is, without risk of lawsuits or legal damages ) to report errors and treatments that don't work, are not needed and should not be continued, reporting does not take place.
So what happens, there is no incentive to change the status of medicalization to cure illness. Since this is true the whole system endures the continuation of the same treatments.
The business plan stays the same. New doctors are taught and even brainwashed to continue the same money-making practices of prescribing drugs and surgery to cure illness. Some people who are dealing with iatrogenic disease most times never get any better until they stop or change their current medical treatment. The good news is when you begin to regain some common sense on ways to cure illness you will be better off.
You can start to give your body what it needs to heal and regenerate. Once you begin to get better, then it is time to have your doctor wean you off toxic drugs and treatments. You can now stop the medicatization process and finally rid yourself of the iatrogenic disease senario which does not address the true underlying causes to cure illness.
Take Charge of Your Health Now
You will finally realize that what your body really needs to cure illness is to stop the ingestion of disease causing foods, drugs, toxins, and chemicals that are killing you. Don't ignore the facts of what medicalization will eventually do to you if you don't start taking charge of your own medical concerns. You can learn how to cure illness when you know what to do to make it happen without the side effects you experience with conventional medicine.
Experience a real health plan that you can initiate easily by going to my website and taking advantage of my free six lesson ecourse. It teaches you six steps you can take to have the healthiest body that you have ever had in your life. It may even help you to extend your life even more than you might believe.
Go for it now. You will like it. I guarantee it.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Will Medical Scams Solve Medical Concerns?
There are many questions about whether medical scams solve medical concerns. It's been said by some doctors that they can be important and life saving. But doctors are so enthused about them that their overuse is now causing cancers.
Many other safety risks could also be involved. It is not unusual for someone with a stomachache to be prescribed a scam. Although scams can sometimes eliminate the need for exploratory surgery, they are currently grossly over used.
So with the overuse of medical scams comes an abundance of radiation. And with an overabundance of radiation you get cancer. There are definitely safety risk with any medical scans and it's best that you know more about them and other alternatives before you subject yourself to them.
More than 95 million high tech scams are done each year, and medical scans such as CT, M.R.I. and pet scans, has ballooned into $100 billion dollar industry in the United States with Medicare paying for $14 billion of it.
But recent studies show that as many as 20 to 50 percent of medical scans should never have been done because their results did not help diagnose ailments or treat patients.
Dr. Julian Nicholas, a former Food and Drug Administration scientist, said his job was eliminated after he raised some medical concerns about the safety risks involved in radiation exposure from high grade medical scans.
Dr. Nicholas said at a public hearing that he and other FDA staffers were pressured to change their scientific opinion after they opposed the approval of a CT scanner for routine colon cancer screening. Nicholas said he objected to exposing otherwise healthy patients to the cancer risks of radiation.
The medical concerns you should be aware of about medical scans is that it depends on the dose of radiation you get from them in the area of the body scanned. The lowest dose radiation from a single scan is about equal to the total yearly radiation that we get from normal living or flying in an airplane.
The highest dose for a single scan for a single medical scan gives you up to 15 times this amount of radiation and it is worse for women. For every 150 women in their twenties who get one coronary Angiogram (a CT scan of the heart), one will develop cancer related to the procedure.
Here are a couple of incidents involving medical scans that may interest you. In 2005, a Florida hospital disclosed that 77 brain cancer patients had received 50 percent more radiation than prescribed because a powerful linear accelerator had been incorrectly programmed for nearly a year.
At the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles over 20 unsuspecting patients who underwent a specific type of CT brain scan received eight to ten times the normal dose of radiation also due to an incorrectly programmed machine.
Even though in these cases the excess exposures were not fatal, time will tell how these patients fare out down the line. Because what we do know is that radiation exposure increases your risks of DNA damage and cancer, which can take decades to surface.
The bottom line here is very simple and it's this. If you will just become more educated about healthy living you shouldn’t have to have any medical scans because you shouldn't ever need them.
Leading a healthy life involves a healthy diet, regular exercise, stress management, weight management, nutritional supplements and a positive attitude. Get the best health plan at my website and protect your body from all illnesses and diseases.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
The Best Health Plan to Prevent Illness
The best health plan to prevent illness is not the new Obama health reform plan. The best health plan is a health education plan. If this type of plan was initiated there would be less sick people.
What is happening here is a massive expansion of the sick-care industry which is already responsible for 20 percent of the U.S. economy. Over the next few years, that percentage will rise to 25 percent, then 30 percent, and the financial mess called "mainstream medicine” may even hit one-third of the entire national economy.
It's now being said that because of the passing of the new health reform legislation there will be a sudden shortage of doctors to cure illness. An excess of disease is more the problem than a shortage of doctors.
So here is really the best health plan to cure illness and that is to prevent illness in the first place. How do we do that? Here's the solution. Unleash the power of nutrition to prevent and reverse disease.
Since we already know that vitamin D, all by itself can prevent nearly 4 out of 5 cancers (http:11www.natural it also helps prevent heart disease, diabetes, depression, seasonal flu and kidney disease.
Knowing all this, here is the best health plan to prevent illness. Distribute free vitamin D supplements across the entire popular without a second thought.
Invest a few pennies in the health of the population and save yourself many dollars in reduced health care costs. Regular Vitamin D supplementation has no negative side effects and requires no prescriptions, no injections and no visits to the doctor. Why isn't that the best health plan on earth?
Now unless you get a majority of congress members to jump on this best health plan to cure illness it will never happen. The sad news is, the sick care industry wouldn't like it at all.
The drug companies, hospitals, conventional doctors, medical schools, medical journals and even the mainstream media just won't like it. Why? It's because they all generate huge profits from the ongoing business of sickness and disease.
Vitamin D would disrupt their profits and people would eventually be able to prevent illness and live a healthier lifestyle. With this best health plan ever it would be possible to reduce the visits to doctors and hospitals.
Here is the critical decision we must make: Do we want sickness or health? Here are the choices:
1) Invest in more doctors and expand the business of disease so the entire population keeps depending on pharmaceutical companies, ignorance about nutrition and accelerated disease.
2) Invest in nutrition and shrink the sick care industry by showing people how to not only prevent illness but also to cure illness. But it is not likely to happen. The new Obama health care plan has already decided how America will be taken care of about their health.
Now whether you want to believe it or not, here is the federal government's thinking about the health care crisis. If you really do the math on this you will find the government cannot afford to have people live very long.
If you teach people how to prevent illness and they live too many years past retirement, they will continue to collect social security benefits. But the problem is social security is broke. It has no real money and only operates on a system of IOU's from the U.S. Treasury.
Do you want to help reverse the national debt? Then die sooner! And this brings us to the health care reform legislation which depending on who you ask contains "death panel" provisions or "taxpayer funded assisted suicide" support.
Whether such provisions actually exist under current reform legislation is hotly debated. But the way it theoretically works is bureaucrats get to decide who lives and who dies based on how much money the state can afford to spend on them.
So this is where we stand right now. The real killer in America is, not cancer, not heart disease, not strokes, accidents or terrorism. The number one cause of death in America is mainstream medicine.
Mainstream medicine kills anywhere from 250,000 to 750,000 a year, depending on whose statistics you believe. If you are a person who wants to live longer and healthier it's imperative to learn how to prevent illness. You can find the best health plan at my website here. Why not go there now?
Sunday, April 11, 2010
The Harmful Side Effects of Prescription Drugs
If you have real medical concerns about your personal health condition you should start learning the harmful side effects of prescription drugs. For every hour you spend watching any TV program you will see, in most cases, a total of 5 to 8 commercials of some kind of prescription drug. Not one of them is without some kind of harmful side effect. Some are more harmful than others.
What is really a grave concern of mine is how much aware are most people about the harmful side effects of prescription drugs. While the commercials do mention some of the side effects of the particular drug, how many people really listen that closely? Or since they believe this particular drug will solve their medical concerns, they decide to use it anyway if their doctor prescribes it for them.
It’s very frightening to me that the FDA has little regard for the harmful side effects of prescription drugs and continue to let some stay on the market even though they have caused even deaths. In this article I will make you aware of three prescription drug company products that have harmful side effects and are frequently seem on TV. The first one has been causing some serious discussions about it lately.
Hundreds of people taking Avandia, a controversial diabetes medicine, needlessly suffer heart attacks and heart failure each month. Confidential government reports say that about 500 heart attacks and 300 cases of heart failure would be averted every month if patients switched away from Avandia. One report, by Dr. David Graham and Dr. Kate Gelperin of the FDA, argued that Avandia should be withdrawn from the market. Here are some medical concerns that should be addressed by the FDA immediately, but it is still on the market.
Avandia hit the market in 1999 and following a multimillion-dollar advertising campaign it quickly became a blockbuster drug. By 2006 its annual revenue was $3.2 billion. Sales plummeted to $1.2 billion in 2009, two years after a study was published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) that linked Avandia to a 43 percent increased risk of heart attack and a 64 percent higher risk of cardiovascular death than patients treated with other methods.
Unfortunately, a committee of independent experts recommended that Avandia remain on the market,despite its risks, and a FDA oversight board voted 8 to 7 to accept the advice. It doesn’t seem that even the serious side effects of prescription drugs matters to any prescription drug company any more. I wonder just how many of them had ties to the drug industry?
* Plavix (helps protect you from a future heart attack or stroke)
Now while it is true that even though not all prescription drug company products side effects cause everyone serious problems the fact remains that all prescription drugs still contain some risks. Here are some of those risks that have been noted about Plavix.
Severe allergic reactions (rash; hives; itching; difficulty breathing; tightness in the chest swelling of the mouth, face,lips, or tongue; black, tarry stools;bleeding in the eye; change in vision; change in the amount of urine produced;chest pain;dark or bloody urine; fever or sore throat; loss of appetite; pale;seizures; severe, persistent headache; speech problems; unexplained weight loss; unusual bruising or severe bleeding (eg, excessive bleeding from cuts, increased menstrual bleeding, unexplained vaginal bleeding, unusual bleeding from the gums when brushing); unusual tiredness or weakness; yellowing of the skin or eyes.
* Lunesta (A sleep aide)
Although most people tolerate Lunesta well, it is still possible to develop certain side effects while taking Lunesta. Side effects that are most commonly reported include drowsiness, headache, and infections. Rare but possible side effects (occurring in less than 1 percent of patients) may include high blood pressure, sensitivity to the sun, and hiccups. When Lunesta side effects occur, they are typically minor, but be sure to seek medical attention immediately if you develop serious problems such as suicidal thoughts, anxiety, or hallucinations.
It amazes me why anyone would want to put themselves at risks at using any kind of these prescription drug company products when there is a natural remedy for any of these medical concerns. In general all of these kinds of prescription drugs are nothing more than Bandaid treatments. Using them coof nsistently will never totally solve any of your medical concerns. Visit my website here and get the real facts for managing all your health concerns.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Avoid Eating Food That Kills
There is a product added to enhance taste in foods, called MSG, better known as "monosodium glutamate." It’s a food product you should avoid eating. It is in some food that kills. It is worse than alcohol, nicotine and drugs for damaging your health.
Yet what is truly disturbing to me is that it passed the FDA approval process and has been called "safe". Here again is the agency that is suppose to protect our health and yet approving of a food product that has been proven even “deadly” in some instances.
Regular Media Fails to Inform
The problem is the regular media is not making the public aware of the danger of this "killer product." The only way the average person would even know about this danger is they would have to pick up this information up on the Internet.
The few of us who publish newsletters, write articles or have blogs are generally the ones who can inform the general public about this "killer product". There seems to be more and more things today that are adversely affecting our lives, but only a small amount of the population seems to know those things.
Now just to show you how hazardous this MSG product really is to your health and why you should avoid eating this food that kills, here is what has been found. It's been linked to Alzheimer's disease and Huntington's Chorea. (A central nervous system movement disorder which is extremely disabling for its sufferers)
Many other adverse health effects that have been linked to regular consumption of MSG are:
* Obesity
* Eye Damage
* Headaches
* Fatigue and disorientation
* Depression
MSG consumption has also involved symptoms such as:
* Numbness
*Burning Sensation
* Tingling
* Facial pressure or tightness
* Chest pain or difficulty breathing
* Nausea
* Rapid heartbeat
* Drowsiness
* Weakness
Now the really troublesome thing about this "killer product" is it goes under many other names besides MSG. It's a long list but I'll be glad to provide it to you if you will just email me and put "MSG in the subject line.
Besides avoiding processed food in your typical grocery there are other places to avoid also, that's fast food restaurants. All of them are to some degree adding MSG to their food that kills. For instance at McDonald's, a close reading of a list of their classic recipes from the 50's through the 70's reveals a disturbing amount of MSG in their products has caused much controversy.
Even today MSG is still present in some form in their products: They include Grilled Chicken Filet, Sausage Patty, French Fries and even their diet soft drinks too. What should really shock you is to know that MSG can actually cause many of your brain cells to die. Whew! That is scary and should alert you to avoid eating certain food that kills.
FDA Approval Process is Not Reliable
Another disturbing factor is the concern of a new mom baby’s health. You see if the mother isn’t able to breast-feed her newborn child, she should stay away from formulas, because many of them contain MSG. Her best choice should be feeding raw milk to her baby.
Can you believe the FDA approval process would let this happen? Why is it that living a healthy life here in America has become such a chore? Well here are a couple of reasons.
* Manufactures of food products, which includes not only processed food but also meat, poultry, fish and just about any food product, seem to only think about their profit margin and not people's health. Avoid eating food that kills by purchasing your food in organic supermarkets
* The FDA approval process to make sure all food products are safe is the biggest joke in Washington. I wonder why this is happening? I think I know why it's happening but if I revealed what I think I might be silenced.
So the only real course to follow is to be sure you know what you are eating and make sure you take charge of your personal health yourself. That's the best information I know to give you and that is actually what I do.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Obama Healthcare Bill is a Political Joke
For those who believe they need a healthcare plan to address their illnesses Obama Healthcare Bill is probably not a political joke to them.
However let me tell you why I believe it is a political joke. Just today I learned by listening to the news that certain provisions of the bill will not kick in as soon as it was previously indicated. Not only that, it also contains many restrictions people aren't’ aware of either.
Some of these corrupt politicians who voted for the bill didn't even read it. So now they are finding out that some of the Obama Healthcare Bill proposals were not exactly stated as they previously believed.
Make Your Political Beliefs Strongly Known
When will Americans finally wake up and realize that our government is full of more corrupt politicians today than we can count? It seems that their only desire is to be persuaded through bribes and special favors to not vote their own conscious.
Here's another thing that is hard to understand. Why does it take a couple of thousands pages to construct a bill? Seems to me you can put together an informative bill with no more than 25 pages or less.
The Constitution of the United States can be down loaded off the Internet on 8” x 10” paper and it is only 21 pages long. Isn't it interesting that it takes that few pages to govern an entire country but it takes over 2000 pages of the Obama Healthcare Bill to govern just one department of our government?
Of course we eventually learned that the bill now carries a name that is not just for healthcare but also includes legislation for student loans as well. Here again is why this bill is such a political joke.
Become Educated About Living Healthier
But here is the real issue. If people were more educated about how to be healthier we would only need a very limited healthcare bill. Since most corrupt politicians are persuaded by Big Pharma as the best way to treat illnesses and diseases with their drugs they oppose the nutritional supplement industry as the better way to do the same.
We are finding out that since many more people with severe illnesses and diseases are visiting ER Departments more than ever it is because they can't afford health insurance. Maybe they won’t be able to afford the Obama Healthcare Bill insurance plan either.
Now I have little empathy for some of these people because many of them don’t take proper care of their body. If they did they wouldn't need to visit the ER Department for any illness. Of course there is a need for this department especially in the cases of people involved in auto accidents, shootings, violence or other type of emergencies.
Here's something else I always wondered about. Since certain people don't take good care of their body as well as they should and always have some kind of illness or disease, is that why insurance rates are so high? Who is going to even believe that the insurance in the Obama Healthcare Bill will be any better? Many believe it will be more expensive.
I'm always observing people, everywhere I go to see what they eat, their physical makeup and also how they walk and talk. My observation is this. America's people are physically and mentally out of touch with good health practices.
What is even more disturbing is the overall health of our children. Not only is obesity becoming an epidemic for adults but for children also.
One cause of people's poor health is frequently eating fast food. Fast food is not healthy. No matter what they do to make you believe it is healthier now then before,it is still not healthy. Most people today do not prepare healthy meals like Mom or Grandma used to cook. Even convenience meals,better known as “processed meals” are not healthy either.
In reality if they had better meal planning ideas they could pre-cook their meals in a timed-stove or oven or a crockpot. There are meal planning programs that teach how to cook more economically and healthier meals. Here is one you may want to check out.
Demand a Better Healthcare Bill
Hopefully the Obama Healthcare Bill will either be revised or eventually repealed. By the next election it's possible the corrupt politicians will be replaced by honest and more caring politicians than we have today. There are politicians in both houses of congress that believe health education should be a priority but there is not a majority of them.
With more tea party memberships cropping up all over the country and more concerned citizens becoming more vocal about government policies, maybe this country can return to the type of country our founding fathers designed and stop any other political joke in the future.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Improve Vision Without Glasses
There are ways to improve vision without glasses naturally. There is an effective method that I found which guarantees a perfect vision without any dangerous and expensive surgery. This effective method was created in 1880 by Dr. William H. Bates, a New York Ophthalmologist who thought if broken bones could be healed, why couldn't damaged eyesight also be healed too?
Dr. Bates argued the use of glasses hindered a patient's eyesight. He later stated, by performing a set of formulated eye relaxation exercises vision defects and poor sight can be cured. In reviewing Dr. Bate’s method to improve vision without glasses, Dr. Duke Peterson, a successful Ophthalmologist for 20 years eventually left his practice and decided to help vision sufferers improve their eyesight naturally using this method.
He also spent 5 years perfecting the original method to improve vision without glasses. Since then Dr. Duke has helped hundreds of people get rid of their glasses, for good. He has even helped 80 years olds and older develop 20-20 vision. Find out here about his program
The Bates method applies to all visual problems, including
* Near-Sightedness (Myopia)
* Lazy Eye (Amblyopia)
* Cross-Eye (Strabismus)
* Macular Degeneration
* Eye Strain
* Dyslexia
* Astigmatism
* Hyperopia (For-Sightedness)
* Presbyopia (Old-Age sight)
* Cataract
* Glaucoma
* Tension Headache
* Light Sensitivity
* Poor night vision
In this improve vision method you will be taken by the hand and walked through a serious of fun, eye relaxation techniques, Dr. Peterson has now improved upon Dr. Bates method to improve vision without glasses. His method is far more advanced now in helping you see sharper, clearer, in only a few short weeks.
You see basically, the eye is an organ and just like any other organ, the eye can strengthen with exercise. As the eye gets stronger, vision gets better all the way to the point where you can throw away your glasses or contacts permanently.
The benefits you will derive by using Dr. Bates program to improve vision are:
* You will have the freedom to spend your hard earned money on things you enjoy instead of spending it on glasses, contacts or surgical procedures.
* Now you won't have to depend on glasses that are uncomfortable or irritating to use.
* You won't have to worry about getting any surgical procedures to improve vision now.
* You will have fast relief from headaches and eyestrain.
* You can depend on unlimited support about how to improve vision without glasses from Dr. Duke via email who will answer any questions you have.
Decision Making Time
So here is my question to all those now who need to depend on eyeglasses or contacts to to see. Would you like a proven method to improve vision without glasses today? The only other option is to keep paying for multiple glasses or contacts each year or how often your vision changes.
Not only are you faced with yearly expenses for glasses or contacts but now there is an even better chance that your vision could be improved dramatically over the next few weeks or months.
Learn more here by getting additional information about this program and reading the testimonials from satisfied customers. There is a money back guarantee so you have nothing to lose. In fact you have a lot to gain by saving money and having better eyesight.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Relieve Joint Pain and Stiffness Without Drugs
It is possible to relieve most joint pain and stiffness without resorting to prescription or over-the-counter drugs. These joint pain remedies are only temporary ways to get relief and they can usually end up causing more severe problems than the joint pain and stiffness condition.
Many people around the world suffer from joint pain and stiffness. Whether it's severe or mild it affects a lot of people around the world and it can have serious impact on the quality of people's lives.
Many associate joint pain and stiffness with the elderly, however this is simply not so. A lot of age groups suffer joint pain for various reasons, and it can impact a lot on their daily activities.
There are many causes of joint pain and there are many joint pain remedies without the use of drugs. Joint pain can range from bothersome to miserable to debilitating. And as many as 85 percent of adults will experience pain in their joints at some part in their lives.
Osteoarthritis is the most common cause of joint pain, and more people are afflicted with it than any other type of arthritis. The causes of joint pain because of arthritis involve the breakdown of cartilage in the joints. It causes the bones to rub against each other, which produces joint pain and stiffness, swelling and loss of function.
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder that causes joint pain and stiffness and most commonly strikes women ages 25 to 50. About 1.3 million adult Americans are affected. This type of arthritis causes an abnormally in the body's immune system to work improperly which leads to inflammation in the lining of the joints and other internal organs.
Bursitis is a condition frequently confused with arthritis. But bursitis really involves inflammation around the joint, rather than the joint itself. The causes of joint pain here is when one or more of the bursa (small, fluid filled sacs near the joints) become inflamed due to excessive movement, pressure, or trauma. It often occurs around the shoulders, knees and hips.
Gout is a joint condition that can cause sudden and severe attacks of pain, tenderness, swelling and redness in the joints. The causes of joint pain in this instance is usually because of a buildup in the body of excessive uric acid, which forms crystals that deposit in the joints and lead to inflammation.
There are many joint pain remedies that you can apply to help get rid of the pain. If you are over weight and suffering joint pain and stiffness than it is likely that your obesity is causing a lot of stress on your joints.
Here are some other things that could be causes of joint pain. Sometimes dairy products, citrus, alcohol, some meat like beef, pork, lamb and vegetable oils has inflammatory effects on your body. If you are experiencing this condition, it's probably time to take a hard look at your diet.
Some other joint pain remedies you might want to consider might be to use Epsom Salt, adopt a regular exercise program and also think about taking some nutritional supplements on a daily basis.
Epsom salt, which is magnesium sulphate, is often used in your bath water, which is absorbed well through the skin. It has an anti-inflammatory effect on your body.
Some causes of joint pain could be related to lack of proper exercise too. You may want to think about what kind of exercise may appeal to you. Walking or biking are usually very popular. I've discovered an indoor exercise that might appeal to you. It's dumbbell exercising and you can learn more about right here.
Taking nutritional supplements are always great joint pain remedies. One in particular is Glucosamine a nutritional supplement product that will help keep you mobile and your joints flexible and pain free. This product claims you can feel better in seven days. Learn all the benefits by going here.
The joint pain medicine business is extremely lucrative and surgery to correct joint pain is even more lucrative. Most joint pain and stiffness can be remedied most times with common sense and lifestyle changes. I suggest that you start with these methods first before you get caught up with other methods that could cause you more harm than good.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
FDA Guidelines Are Corrupted and Distorted
January 12, 2009 FDA scientists have become so fed up with the criminal behavior of their own administration that they've filed a strongly worded compliant with President elect Obama, alleging the FDA has been deeply "corrupted and distorted".
Sadly, even to this very day, I have not heard one response to those complaints from now President Obama or about such changes in FDA guidelines the scientist requested. The FDA continues with their corrupt system enforcements in the same way they have done for years. The letter that the FDA scientists wrote explains that the FDA guidelines are placing the American people at risk by using tactics of fear and intimidation to censor scientific debate with the FDA.
Natural Supplement Industry Frequently Targeted
The natural supplements industry has been the target of the FDA guidelines for many years. Their fear and intimidation tactics are considered criminal in nature by many businesses and organizations for their raids on legitimate natural supplements businesses.
The FDA corrupt system has carried out extensive raids for several years. One of the most outstanding of all raids goes all the way back to 1987 when they raided The Life Extension Foundation. On February 26, 1987 approximately 25 Armed FDA Agents and U.S. Marshals burst through the glass doors of Life Extensions Ft. Lauderdale offices with guns drawn to create massive fear and intimidation.
Victims Were Terrorized
Employees were lined up against the wall and searched. Agents also rifled through the personal belongings of the employees and confiscated many items, Over the next twelve hours, they seized thousands of items considered violation of FDA guidelines.
Nutritional products, files and documents were seized, even 5,000 newsletters that were about to be mailed to subscribers. In addition computers and telephones were reportedly ripped from the wall. Later analysis revealed that 80 percent of the seized items were never named in the warrant.
In reality the entire legal basis was fraudulent to begin with. However rather than giving in to all this fear and intimidation, Bill Fallon and the Life Extension Foundation chose to fight for their First Amendment rights.
To further terrorize the Life Extension foundation and its founders, the FDA corrupt system with the help of various corrupt law enforcement bodies, filed 56 criminal charges against them.
Justice Finally Prevailed
It was finally after an eleven-year reign of terror in which the FDA spent millions of taxpayer dollars attempting to prosecute them that these fear and intimidation tactics finally come to a close. In November of 1995, Federal Judge Daniel Hurley dismissed 55 of the 56 charges, and in February 1996, the final charge was dismissed.
Can you believe that a corrupt system such as this can survive in what is supposed to be the "land of the free"? Well it is hard to believe but the fear and intimidation tactics are still continuing to this day. Just recently Stephen Heuer of Cocoon Nutrition was arrested by Federal Marshals in a FDA raid. His product "Chrysalis" was effective in treating depression and other health conditions. He is now detained by U.S. Federal Marshals but his whereabouts are not fully known at this time.
Then there is the case of Herbalist Greg Caton who remains under arrest in the United States after having been illegally kidnapped and extradited from Ecuador by the FDA. He faces a hearing on March 17th in a Louisiana Court.
Prior to the incident Caton had created the Consema product line of anti-cancer herbs. Finally the FDA corrupt system put him out of business and he was forced to spend three years in a U.S. prison. He was eventually released on probation. However when he learned he was about to be targeted once more, he fled to Ecuador where he set up his business because it is perfectly legal to sell such products there.
America, Speak Out!
It seems today, in America, it's illegal to tell the truth about nutritional products that you sell. The statements made by people who sell such products are technically factual and accurate. But they are not legal to make in America because “Free Speech” is routinely suppressed by the FDA guidelines and even by the FTC also.
Both the FDA corrupt system and the FTC corrupt system are now acting as the racket enforcement thugs of Big Pharma. What is really frightening is they use armed personnel to protect their revenue territories and invoke fear and intimidation on their victims.
What is really disturbing is this information is usually not available in the regular media to the general public. Most times you only find this kind of information on the Internet. So I encourage everyone to get their education from the Internet where news is usually more credible and available. And speak out about any violation of your human rights.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
How to Prevent a Heart Attack
A heart attack occurs when the blood supply to the part of the heart muscle (the myocardium) is severely reduced or stopped because one or more of the heart's arteries is blocked. If you are someone you know really wants to know how to prevent a heart attack the best health plan is the Angioprim procedure.
Here's the beginning process of a heart attack. It usually begins with atherosclerosis, the build up of fatty deposits (plaque) inside artery walls. The plaque can rupture, causing a blood clot to form and block the artery. This is just one of the causes of heart disease. Now if the blood supply is cut off for more than a few minutes, heart muscle cells suffer permanent injury or die. This can kill or disable someone, depending on how much heart muscle is damaged. Angioprim is designed to remedy this problem.
Cardiac arrest should be a grave concern to everyone no matter what their age. Cardiac arrest is the stopping of the heartbeat. When a person's heart beat stops abruptly and unexpectedly, it's called sudden cardiac arrest. Death can occur within minutes after the victim collapses. Knowing how to prevent a heart attack could stop this from ever happening to you. The term "massive heart attack" is often mistakenly used to describe sudden cardiac arrest (SCD). A heart attack may cause cardiac arrest and sudden death, but it's not the same thing.
Another issue that could be life threatening is having a stroke. A stroke occurs when a blood vessel that brings oxygen and nutrients to the brain bursts or is clogged by a blood clot of some other particle. Because of this rupture or blockage, part of the brain doesn't get the blood and oxygen it needs. Knowing the causes of heart disease and applying the correct measures will prevent this event from ever happening.
When the brain is deprived of oxygen, nerve cells in the affected area of the brain die within minutes. There are two main types of stroke. One is caused by blood clot or other particles (ischemic strokes) and the other by bleeding from a burst blood vessel (hemorrhage strokes). Ischemic strokes are the most common. Check out Angioprim and see how it can prevent this from ever occuring in your life.
After Effects of Strokes.
When brain cells injured by a stroke can't work, that part of the body they can't control either. This is why a stroke can be so devastating. Brain injury from a stroke can affect the senses, motor activity, speech and the ability to understand speech. Don't let this happen to you, select the best health plan to keep yourself healthy.
These are the daily guidelines to follow:
* Don't use tobacco
* Be physically active
* Eat healthy foods
* Watch your weight
* Manage stress
* Have a positive attitude
2007 Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics
* Coronary Heart Disease
About 1.2 million Americans will have a first or recurrent coronary attack. About 452,000 of these people will die. Coronary heart disease is the nation's single leading cause of death. 325,000 coronary heart disease deaths occur out of hospital or in hospital emergency departments annually.
* Each year about 700,000 people suffer a new or recurrent stroke in the United States.
* Over 150,000 of these people die, making stroke the third leading cause of death.
* About 5.7 million U.S. stroke survivors are alive today, but many of them with permanent stroke related disabilities.
The best health plan you can use to defend yourself against these heart diseases is the suggestions stated earlier in this report. You should be aware of the causes of heart disease and follow the healthy recommendations so your body is prepared to handle any poor health challenges. To assure that your arteries are clear of any obstructions, Angioprim is the best treatment you can use.
If you are finally interested in knowing how to prevent a heart attack and any other heart diseases then the best health plan should include the Angioprim procedure. Most doctors only are interested in curing heart diseases by prescribing drugs or surgery. Take charge and solve your own problem without anyone of these measures.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Prescription Drug Companies Advertising Influence
The prescription drug companies have become masters in influencing the general public that their drugs cure illnesses and diseases. The sorry truth is their products do more harm than good.
Don't Let Drug Advertising Persuade You
Their advertising influence tries to exploit which fears and weaknesses you may face in your health condition. They try to scare you with images of having a heart attack; contacting a deadly disease; problems with sleeping; pain problems and almost any illness you could be facing sometine in the future.
One survey showed that 70 to 80 out of every 100 advertisements related to health in one way or another. We have come to associate getting better or keeping well with taking or using something bought or prescribed.
It is not in the manufacturer's interest to remind us that taking nothing could work just as well. Many advertisements are aimed at people who suffer from ailments like constipation or mild complaints such as colds and coughs which eventually will clear up on their own.
Then you have the sufferers of chronic ailments who will try any kind of drug that is advertised because their doctor has not been able to cure them. Many times what happens is they eventually resort to trying many drugs because they aren't satisfied with the results of the previous one. This can become an even more serious problem when you stack one drug after another drug on top of the previous one.
All Doctors are Targets of Prescription Drug Companies
Not only are the average citizens victims of prescription drug companies influence. Doctors are also victims as well. In fact a great deal of advertising influence is solely directed at them. The American doctor receives enormous amounts of literature and assorted gifts every month to influence them to buy various drugs.
Sales representatives from various prescription drug companies visit most doctors on a regular schedule. Doctors are even exposed to advertisements in free medical papers and other journals too. They may even be invited to see educational films, with lunch and drinks thrown in to persuade them to buy their drugs.
The busy doctors usually have little option but to rely on prescription drug companies for information about new drugs. They are usually exploited for lack of knowledge in order to sell him their particular brand of drug.
Nutrition Ignorance of Medical Community
Here's another thing that I believe is a shame about the medical community. Since doctors did not receive but limited education about nutrition in medical school, they only know how to cure illnesses with drugs.
The prescription drug companies want to keep that knowledge limited and hidden as much as possible because otherwise it would produce more competition for their products. This is the reason that they have tried to destroy the nutritional supplement industry many times.
The prescription drug companies have even hyped up their advertising influence by hiring celebrities to pitch their products. Sally Fields, the actress, promotes Boniva, a drug for Osteoporosis manufactured by Roche and GlaxoSmithKline.
Sally tells how excited she is about the fact that you only need to take this product once a month instead once a week or daily from other competitors. However other competitors drugs are lower in price. By checking the Internet for prices of Boniva here is what I found about it:
Depending on the strength you need whether 2.5 mg per pill or 15 mg , here is an example of the prices from a foreign drug store. 2.5 mg - about $3.90 for 30 tablets. 150 mg – the cost is anywhere from $132.10 to $356.16 for 3 tablets. From Costco in America the cost is $663.35 for 3 tablets or $995.00 for 6 tablets. I couldn't find any 2.5 mg pills from them.
The Real Key To Wellness
Well folks I don't know about you but I'm not a believer in prescription drug companies because I believe that just about any illness can be treated with alternative methods of healing. Prescription drug companies advertising influence does not influence me. In fact I'm appalled at all the drug advertising I see on TV. I'm even amazed how many you see for every hour you spend watching TV.
So let me convince you to do your own research about alternative means for not only curing illnesses but also preventing them. And that's really the key, preventing illnesses and diseases. Start by visiting my website at: You will learn how to start building your own defense against diseases by boosting the power of your immune system. You were born with this valuable tool. Use it wisely and you will become a healthier individual. I guarantee it.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Obesity Problem Triggers Health Alarm
Preventing Obesity in America should be a major concern of every citizen of the U.S. because it has triggered a major health alarm.
Solve that obesity problem now by learning what will solve it
Here is why, almost two thirds (about 66%) of U.S. adults age 20 or older are overweight. Nearly one third (about 31%) of American adults are so overweight that they are considered obese, meaning they have a BMI greater than 30. That breaks down to about 33% of women and 30% of men. Go here for a BMI calculator and see if you have a obesity problem.
Consider these obesity risks that trigger a health alarm.
* Obesity is the #2 cause of preventable death in the United States.
* 60 million Americans, 20 years and older are obese.
* 9 million children and teens ages 6 - 19 are overweight.
* Being overweight or obese increases the risk of health conditions and diseases including: Breast cancer, Coronary heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, Steep Apnea, Gall bladder disease, Osteoarthritis, Colon cancer, Hypertension and Stroke.
Here is one important way for preventing obesity: A study conducted by exercise physiologist in the University of Alabama a Birmingham finds that as little as 80 minutes a week of aerobic or resistance training helps not only to prevent weight gain, but also to inhibit a regain of visceral fat one year after weight loss. If you have an obesity problem this is a great start to solve it, don't you think?
Visceral fat is a reallistic obesity problem. You see unlike subcutaneous fat that lies just under the skin and is noticeable, visceral fat lies in the abdoninal cavity under the abdominal muscle. So here is the obesty risks.
Visceral fat in more dangerous than subcutaneous fat because it often surrounds vital organs. The more visceral fat one has, the greater the obesity problem is. The obesity risks now could be that you could develop Type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Learn more here.
Look at the States in the U.S. with a serious obesity problem that have triggered a major health alarm.
* Mississippi is the fattest state for the 3rd straight year, and Colorado is still the leanest. D.C. loses weight.
* Most obese states are West Virginia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Delaware.
* The states that are the thinnest and have no serious obesity problem are Hawaii, Colorado and the District of Columbia, although not a state.
Now if you are a parent and have a child that is overweight or even obese, it's time to solve their obesity problem. If you are frustrated and tired of failing to help them lose weight and keep it off, then you owe it to your child (and yourself) to get this free report and turn off this health alarm.
Consider these obesity risks:
* The Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that 50% of Kids and Teens will be clinically overweight or obese by 2010. (It's here now)
* Authorities state that this generation of children will be the first to have a shorter life span then their parents.
* This is a Life or Death matter.
The proven solution to the obesity problem is to take charge now and decide on a weight loss program that is guaranteed to get results you want. It's no hype, just an easy, simple answer that works immediately and last.
It's even a strategy the entire family can get involved in. A guarantee plan that will have your child and your whole family excited to do it and see the weight came off and health and vitality returns. Find out more here.
Here's what others are saying about this program:
Sherie Thain: “If I hadn’t started this program, I probably would have found some diet and lost a few pounds, then quickly gained them back (or more), because I wasn’t thinking about changing my lifestyle. But now, with Trim Body, I have changed it – for good!”
Mark Ormsby: “What appeals to me about the Trim Body System is that it’s a complete system. It doesn’t just look at losing weight. It’s a lifestyle change. It takes every aspect of your life into account, and it’s not just specifically a diet plan.”
Order it here Now! and become a healthier and more vibrant person real soon.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Positive Thought Can Cure Illness
If you ever had a doctor to tell you, “your sickness is all in your head,” most likely you thought he/she was kidding. Patients might have thought the reason the doctor said this is because they couldn’t figure out the source of their symptoms. But it has been proven many times positive thought can cure illness.
The Power of Poaitive Thinking
Science is making strides in brain studies, which are providing proof that positive thought really does affect our brain chemistry and thus our physical and mental health. So thinking positively is not only good for the body but also good for the mind as well
But here is the reverse of that. It’s really true that negative emotions such as fear and stress can not only make us susceptible to disease but also can even cause diseases. Of course the same biochemical mechanisms that work against us may also be utilized to work for us. That could be why being positive about life is usually always upbeat and basically healthy.
The Science of Epigenetics
The new biology takes this even further. It is not just the power of suggestion but the actual thoughts and words chosen by the person, which changes brain chemistry. We have 50 trillion cells in our body, which communicate through neurochemical and vibration signals. Bruce H. Lipton, PHD, has done a large amount of work in this field, which is called epigenetics.
The word epigenetics means “above the genes.” In other words, the mind controls the genes. Dr. Lipton says our minds can re-write our genes. He compares the cell to a computer chip, as each is a bit of information. Both can receive information through different routes and cause a reaction.
Our Thoughts Are Programmed Early In Life
Even though the programming of the cells begins in infancy or before birth, they can be reprogrammed to act differently. The process, which the information goes through to affect the cell, determines the programming of the cell. Cells can become cancerous because they are instructed in some way to do so.
If we realize this and start thinking positively our beliefs will change our messages to our cells. Lipton says by doing this we can actually heal ourselves with positive thought.
However, this is still not all the power of the new biology. The main chemicals, which play a role in our brain chemistry are Dopamine, Serotonin, Norepinephrine and Endorphins. Each of these affects a different area. Most runners know the endorphin effect, which is the runner’s high. Messages sent to the brain tell us to produce more or less of a certain chemical, depending on what the body needs at the time.
We should realize if we subject ourselves to many negative thoughts, we will probably suffer from stress-induced illness. When the mind is stressed, the level of immune protective cells goes down. Now just the opposite is true when your emotions are relaxed, then the number of protective cells go up and thinking positively becomes a plus for us.
Since the 1960’s Cognitive Behavior Therapy, a form of Psychotherapy, has developed based on the premise that especially positive thought can change behavior and overwrite the cell’s memory. You can learn these skills, under the teaching of a therapist. This type of counseling can achieve results quite quickly.
There have been a number of studies that indicate regular meditation can reduce our hypertension (high blood pressure), which is implicated in the vast majority of heart attacks and strokes. It can also lower abnormally high levels of cholesterol in the blood too.
The Value of Regular Meditation
There are other studies that indicate regular meditation may substantially increase blood levels of certain important immune-system hormones, while reducing levels of stress hormones that have been linked to many diseases.
In addition, Meditation is said to be of benefit for migraine, various kinds of back pain, digestive disorders, arthritis, diabetes and thyroid problems.
The human body is a wonderful thing, and now we know the mind is even more incredible! What mystics knew two hundred years ago, we now know for sure, the mind has the power to bring mental, emotional and physical healing. So learn the process of thinking positively and enjoy life even more.
Robert Stuberg, one of the world’s leading authorities on personal and professional success, talks about many of these things presented here. He sums it all up in a few words. “Your thoughts control your life and you control your thoughts.” Learn more Here
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