Saturday, March 6, 2010

FDA Guidelines Are Corrupted and Distorted

January 12, 2009 FDA scientists have become so fed up with the criminal behavior of their own administration that they've filed a strongly worded compliant with President elect Obama, alleging the FDA has been deeply "corrupted and distorted".

Sadly, even to this very day, I have not heard one response to those complaints from now President Obama or about such changes in FDA guidelines the scientist requested. The FDA continues with their corrupt system enforcements in the same way they have done for years. The letter that the FDA scientists wrote explains that the FDA guidelines are placing the American people at risk by using tactics of fear and intimidation to censor scientific debate with the FDA.

Natural Supplement Industry Frequently Targeted

The natural supplements industry has been the target of the FDA guidelines for many years. Their fear and intimidation tactics are considered criminal in nature by many businesses and organizations for their raids on legitimate natural supplements businesses.

The FDA corrupt system has carried out extensive raids for several years. One of the most outstanding of all raids goes all the way back to 1987 when they raided The Life Extension Foundation. On February 26, 1987 approximately 25 Armed FDA Agents and U.S. Marshals burst through the glass doors of Life Extensions Ft. Lauderdale offices with guns drawn to create massive fear and intimidation.

Victims Were Terrorized

Employees were lined up against the wall and searched. Agents also rifled through the personal belongings of the employees and confiscated many items, Over the next twelve hours, they seized thousands of items considered violation of FDA guidelines.

Nutritional products, files and documents were seized, even 5,000 newsletters that were about to be mailed to subscribers. In addition computers and telephones were reportedly ripped from the wall. Later analysis revealed that 80 percent of the seized items were never named in the warrant.

In reality the entire legal basis was fraudulent to begin with. However rather than giving in to all this fear and intimidation, Bill Fallon and the Life Extension Foundation chose to fight for their First Amendment rights.

To further terrorize the Life Extension foundation and its founders, the FDA corrupt system with the help of various corrupt law enforcement bodies, filed 56 criminal charges against them.

Justice Finally Prevailed

It was finally after an eleven-year reign of terror in which the FDA spent millions of taxpayer dollars attempting to prosecute them that these fear and intimidation tactics finally come to a close. In November of 1995, Federal Judge Daniel Hurley dismissed 55 of the 56 charges, and in February 1996, the final charge was dismissed.

Can you believe that a corrupt system such as this can survive in what is supposed to be the "land of the free"? Well it is hard to believe but the fear and intimidation tactics are still continuing to this day. Just recently Stephen Heuer of Cocoon Nutrition was arrested by Federal Marshals in a FDA raid. His product "Chrysalis" was effective in treating depression and other health conditions. He is now detained by U.S. Federal Marshals but his whereabouts are not fully known at this time.

Then there is the case of Herbalist Greg Caton who remains under arrest in the United States after having been illegally kidnapped and extradited from Ecuador by the FDA. He faces a hearing on March 17th in a Louisiana Court.

Prior to the incident Caton had created the Consema product line of anti-cancer herbs. Finally the FDA corrupt system put him out of business and he was forced to spend three years in a U.S. prison. He was eventually released on probation. However when he learned he was about to be targeted once more, he fled to Ecuador where he set up his business because it is perfectly legal to sell such products there.

America, Speak Out!

It seems today, in America, it's illegal to tell the truth about nutritional products that you sell. The statements made by people who sell such products are technically factual and accurate. But they are not legal to make in America because “Free Speech” is routinely suppressed by the FDA guidelines and even by the FTC also.

Both the FDA corrupt system and the FTC corrupt system are now acting as the racket enforcement thugs of Big Pharma. What is really frightening is they use armed personnel to protect their revenue territories and invoke fear and intimidation on their victims.

What is really disturbing is this information is usually not available in the regular media to the general public. Most times you only find this kind of information on the Internet. So I encourage everyone to get their education from the Internet where news is usually more credible and available. And speak out about any violation of your human rights.

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