Friday, March 26, 2010

Obama Healthcare Bill is a Political Joke

For those who believe they need a healthcare plan to address their illnesses Obama Healthcare Bill is probably not a political joke to them.

However let me tell you why I believe it is a political joke. Just today I learned by listening to the news that certain provisions of the bill will not kick in as soon as it was previously indicated. Not only that, it also contains many restrictions people aren't’ aware of either.

Some of these corrupt politicians who voted for the bill didn't even read it. So now they are finding out that some of the Obama Healthcare Bill proposals were not exactly stated as they previously believed.

Make Your Political Beliefs Strongly Known

When will Americans finally wake up and realize that our government is full of more corrupt politicians today than we can count? It seems that their only desire is to be persuaded through bribes and special favors to not vote their own conscious.

Here's another thing that is hard to understand. Why does it take a couple of thousands pages to construct a bill? Seems to me you can put together an informative bill with no more than 25 pages or less.

The Constitution of the United States can be down loaded off the Internet on 8” x 10” paper and it is only 21 pages long. Isn't it interesting that it takes that few pages to govern an entire country but it takes over 2000 pages of the Obama Healthcare Bill to govern just one department of our government?

Of course we eventually learned that the bill now carries a name that is not just for healthcare but also includes legislation for student loans as well. Here again is why this bill is such a political joke.

Become Educated About Living Healthier

But here is the real issue. If people were more educated about how to be healthier we would only need a very limited healthcare bill. Since most corrupt politicians are persuaded by Big Pharma as the best way to treat illnesses and diseases with their drugs they oppose the nutritional supplement industry as the better way to do the same.

We are finding out that since many more people with severe illnesses and diseases are visiting ER Departments more than ever it is because they can't afford health insurance. Maybe they won’t be able to afford the Obama Healthcare Bill insurance plan either.

Now I have little empathy for some of these people because many of them don’t take proper care of their body. If they did they wouldn't need to visit the ER Department for any illness. Of course there is a need for this department especially in the cases of people involved in auto accidents, shootings, violence or other type of emergencies.

Here's something else I always wondered about. Since certain people don't take good care of their body as well as they should and always have some kind of illness or disease, is that why insurance rates are so high? Who is going to even believe that the insurance in the Obama Healthcare Bill will be any better? Many believe it will be more expensive.

I'm always observing people, everywhere I go to see what they eat, their physical makeup and also how they walk and talk. My observation is this. America's people are physically and mentally out of touch with good health practices.

What is even more disturbing is the overall health of our children. Not only is obesity becoming an epidemic for adults but for children also.

One cause of people's poor health is frequently eating fast food. Fast food is not healthy. No matter what they do to make you believe it is healthier now then before,it is still not healthy. Most people today do not prepare healthy meals like Mom or Grandma used to cook. Even convenience meals,better known as “processed meals” are not healthy either.

In reality if they had better meal planning ideas they could pre-cook their meals in a timed-stove or oven or a crockpot. There are meal planning programs that teach how to cook more economically and healthier meals. Here is one you may want to check out.

Demand a Better Healthcare Bill

Hopefully the Obama Healthcare Bill will either be revised or eventually repealed. By the next election it's possible the corrupt politicians will be replaced by honest and more caring politicians than we have today. There are politicians in both houses of congress that believe health education should be a priority but there is not a majority of them.

With more tea party memberships cropping up all over the country and more concerned citizens becoming more vocal about government policies, maybe this country can return to the type of country our founding fathers designed and stop any other political joke in the future.

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