Sunday, May 30, 2010

Some Guidelines for Medicare Benefits Are Troubling

The guidelines for Medicare benefits for the elderly sometimes are very troubling to me. Although I am a senior citizen I do benefit somewhat from Medicare but it is very limited benefits.

What really bothers me the most are the people getting free power chairs and scooters from the Scooter Stores and free products from diabetic accessories stores. Granted there are incidents when some people could benefit from a power chair or scooter from the Scooter Stores but I believe many can survive without them.

However I believe this practice many times becomes a fraud and the Scooter Stores really benefit financially from these guidelines for Medicare benefits. The problem here is that all of us as citizens are paying for this privilege even though we may not ever need a power chair.

One of these Scooter Stores has been in business for 18 years and in that time has made over 475,000 sales. I don’t know how many of these were paid for through the guidelines for Medicare benefits but if it were only 10%, that’s a lot of sales for the Scooter Stores.

Medicare Qualification for Scooter or Power Chair

Here’s how a person qualifies for a scooter or power chair by the guidelines for Medicare benefits. If your limited mobility is the result of a qualifying medical condition and prevents you from accomplishing basic day-to-day tasks independently in your home, Medicare could cover 80% of your new power chair or scooter.

If you have supplemental insurance, it may cover the remaining 20% and if you watch the commercials on TV about the Scooter Stores you see how some people talk about getting their scooter for free. Scooters and/or power chairs sell from $1800 to $5000 a piece. From the looks of some of these scooters on TV most of them look like the deluxe models.

Diabetes Victims

The Guidelines for Medicare also benefits people who buy diabetes accessories too. Again many people with diabetes will qualify for free blood glucose meters and testing supplies paid for by Medicare. These diabetic Medicare supplies companies are making huge profits and you and I are paying for all this too.

As far as the people with diabetes, if they learned how to eat right they wouldn’t have to have insulin or diabetic testing supplies from these diabetic accessories stores. They surely don’t want anyone to know what causes diabetes. No, no, no these companies profit from your ailment just like any company that sells products for people’s ailments.

These Medicare supplies stores TV commercials are very convincing. They say they will send you a free meter and if you qualify for coverage, they will even ship your supplies free and bill Medicare for you.

The Government Accountability Office lists Medicare as a “high risk” government program in need of reform, in part because of its vulnerability to fraud and partly because of its long term financial problems. Fewer than 5% of Medicare claims are audited.

The Real Issue About Health

Here is the real issue. Many people don’t seem to feel as responsible as they should for their own health. They feel if they get sick the government will take care of them. They got that right because it is true “the government will take care of you” in most cases.

What did people do before the guidelines for Medicare program really kicked in years ago? What did they do when there were no “scooter stores” as there are today? What did they do when diabetic Medicare supplies were not free?

Take Charge of Your Health

This is exactly what they did. They took “personal charge” of their health much better than they do today. They didn’t consume multiple doses of prescription drug back then like they do today. It’s a known fact that 25% of seniors take 10 to 19 pills a day for whatever ails them. That is totally shocking to say the least. Not only that it’s highly dangerous to your health to consume that many pills every day.

It’s time to “wake up America” and even “wake up world.” When are you going to get smart and realize that the scooter stores, diabetic Medicare supplies stores and even prescription drug companies are not going to sufficiently solve your health problems? All these companies only supply Band Aid treatments. They are not a lasting cure for whatever medical issues you have.

The Obama government and even all previous governments have failed to address the real issue of health. What we really need is health education not health coverage. If people knew how to better take care of themselves they would not need health insurance to the degree we have now.

I appeal to all citizens young and old to get thoroughly educated, first of all, about prevention measures to prevent illness and disease. Then if you have an ailment or disease or want to know how to prevent them visit my website and begin an education process. Go there now and see what it takes to get healthy and fit.

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