Saturday, October 3, 2009

Are Your Current Health Care Issues Being Solved?

It's sad but true the traditional doctor, in most cases, does not help people get well. In the first place most doctors don't spend enough time with you to find out exactly what ails you.

Then to make matters worse they usually write a prescription for your ailment because that is all they know what to do. You see most traditional doctors are not educated very much about nutrition in medical school, so they are not nutrition smart. They only know how to prescribe a drug to cure illness.

Getting hooked on prescription drugs is not a smart thing to do. In fact it is more destructive than it is beneficial. All drugs, as you should know, have a variety of side effects that can make you more miserable many times than before you took them.

Why is the world would you want to subject your body to all those adverse conditions? Besides that you are also suppressing the functions of the immune system so it isn’t able to function properly. No prescription drug company product will solve your illness or disease

It's amazing to me to hear of all the stories of people gulping down multiple amounts of prescription drugs everyday. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) report that drug overdoses killed 33,000 in 2005, second only to car accidents in the category of accidental deaths. In 1999 the number was 20,000 and in 1990, 10,000 died. I wonder what the figure is today? I'm sure it must be bigger by now.

Consider that 46% of Americans take at least one prescription pill daily. Are these drugs really solving all your problems? Big Pharma would like to you to think they do. They spend billions to promote their products on TV, the radio, in print advertising and they even put tremendous pressure on doctors to promote their drugs also. They literally indoctrinate millions of people everyday about the effectiveness of their drugs. Do you know that America is only one of two countries in the world that allows prescription drug ads? The only other country that allows it is New Zealand.

What is so disturbing for me is that Big Pharma has a huge grip on the U.S. Congress. Just take a good look at what is happening. Recent Presidential cabinets and the FDA have been stacked with pharmaceutical executives. Some members of Congress who are really concerned about this nation’s health get defeated every time there is legislature presented to protect all nutritional products. It's vitally important that we add healthy nutrients to our regular diet everyday if we want to enjoy total health fitness.

You want to hear a real sad story? Senator Edward Kennedy was a prime supporter in Congress who would like to have had legislation destroy our ability to buy nutritional products. Now what is a real mystery to me is why would he want to do that when he had a cancerous brain tumor that could have been enhanced by him taking statin drugs for his high cholesterol problem and also his high blood pressure too.

Blood pressure medication typically reduces the flow of nutrition and oxygen to your brain, resulting in acid pH and an environment readily suitable for cancer growth. Now that he has died do you believe he could have extended his life with an alternative medicine program? I'm convinced that it would have been highly possible.

Now as for as statins are concerned, there's even more shocking news to know. Statins cause cancer for a variety of reasons. A fact that is covered up by the 20 billion dollars a year statin industry with the help of Senators on both sides of the political aisle, like Kennedy, who actively supported the Big Pharma agenda.

In addition to statins causing cancer here is some other things to be concerned about. Statins are just one of many drugs that interfere with the normal functions of the immune system in multiple ways. Statins even interfere with core survival systems that are "branches" in the normal production of LDL cholesterol (that's the good cholesterol). In addition important anti-cancer healthy nutrients such as vitamin D and coenzyme Q10 are also reduced by statins.

The disadvantages of taking statin drugs are unbelievably destructive. Even brain cells are weakened by statins. The longer a person stays on these drugs the worse the problem becomes. All this information just presented is only about statin drugs and high blood pressure medication, but this is just a drop in the bucket of the many other prescription drugs that are extremely dangerous to swallow.

It would take page after page of data to list all the prescription drugs that are harmful for you to get hooked on. What is really disturbing is that traditional doctors still prescribe these poisons everyday to their patients. It is rare for any doctor today to share any information with you about how to live healthy and how to stay healthy.

I can't emphasize it enough folks. Get smart about how to take charge of your health before you destroy it completely. Find yourself a doctor who is nutrition smart and that will assist you in setting up some natural healing therapy. Also visit my website for information on total health fitness.

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