Friday, September 18, 2009

How to Get Healthy and Fit Anytime

It is possible to get healthy and fit for sure any time? Yes it is …provided you take charge of your health. However don’t rely on your doctor to give you advice how to live healthy and how to stay healthy unless he or she practices alternative and natural health methods.The average conventional doctor only knows how to treat illnesses with prescription drugs. If you have a doctor who practices natural healing therapy and is knowledgeable how to cure illness of any kind, consider yourself extremely fortunate. It is rare if a doctor ever gets any education about how to be nutrition smart in medical school. If they did get this alternative wellness training it was usually an addition to their regular training.It is not unusual for a prescription drug company to indoctrinate medical students from day one that the best way to cure illness is by prescribing their drugs to patients instead of teaching them how to provide their patients with an alternative medicine program so they get healthy and fit. A prescription drug company will also furnish medical students, in many of the schools, with all kinds f aids during their educational years such as pens, notebooks, clipboards and other such products they can use everyday in their education.And of course these aids do contain the name of a particular a prescription drug company printed on these products they give to medical students. Many people would agree that is OK to give out such gifts. But wait a minute, does that not have influence on some students in the future to feel obligated to a particular prescription drug company after they graduate?In my generation we didn’t hear much about cancer, heart attacks, diabetes and other diseases either because the local news didn’t broadcast it or there weren’t that many cases of chronic illnesses like today. I happened to believe that most people were much healthier back then because they knew how to live healthy and also how to stay healthy too. There wasn’t the influence of fast food restaurants, junk food or processed food like there is today.Mothers and/or some dads usually cooked daily wholesome meals, which included fruits and vegetables. They were more nutrition smart then today. Much of the exercise we did then, when we were growing up, was walking to places we wanted to go because we either didn’t have an automobile or there wasn’t as much convenience to public transportation as today.People seemed to be more physical then too. Many of them had their own backyard vegetable gardens that they took care of themselves. They would cut their grass with a rotary lawnmower; get involved in a variety of household carpentry projects; play family outdoor games such as badminton, sand lot baseball, croquette and whatever else they could think of.Fifty years ago prescription drugs were not as widely known or used as today. Grandma’s remedies would usually cure illness back then with very simple and saUsinfer methods, too. Even open-heart surgery wasn’t even mentioned in my generation. Even though we had our stressful moments, it wasn’t something we experienced very often. But if we did we seemed to know how to solve it without much difficulty.And we didn’t run off to the hospital emergency room when we got a pain either. We seemed to solve health problem on our own easier in those early years. If we did go to a doctor in my generation he did give us a lot of personal attention. I said “he” because I don’t ever remember a female doctor in my younger years.Of course doctors also made visits to your house back then for any sickness you or anyone in your family had. They were concerned about your total health fitness and afterwords they would even make a personal phone call to your home within a couple of days to see how you were feeling. If you ever get a doctor today who gives you that much attention even in their office, consider yourself “super lucky" because there aren’t that many of them around who seem much concerned about you today as before.I appeal to you today to do whatever is necessary to educate yourself about the nutritional value of foods and stay away from fast foods and processed foods. Eat healthy food as part of you regular diet regimen, as well as exercising regularly, managing stress and adding nutritional supplements to your daily. Doing all of this enhances the functions of the immune system. Now don’t depend on your doctor for this kind of information because he or she is not likely to offer it.You must learn to take charge of your health matters or you could suffer some major ailment or disease if you don’t practice a daily healthy regimen. You cannot continue to abuse your body and believe you will not suffer some serious illness eventually if you don't take charge of your health. That may be a blunt statement but it’s totally true.So visit my website and get all the true facts for managing your personal health. Even make sure to sign up for my free six-lesson E-course and learn much more about wellness management. You will get a terrific education about how to get healthy and fit anytime and maybe even extend your longevity too.

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