Sunday, April 25, 2010

Will Medical Scams Solve Medical Concerns?

There are many questions about whether medical scams solve medical concerns. It's been said by some doctors that they can be important and life saving. But doctors are so enthused about them that their overuse is now causing cancers.

Many other safety risks could also be involved. It is not unusual for someone with a stomachache to be prescribed a scam. Although scams can sometimes eliminate the need for exploratory surgery, they are currently grossly over used.

So with the overuse of medical scams comes an abundance of radiation. And with an overabundance of radiation you get cancer. There are definitely safety risk with any medical scans and it's best that you know more about them and other alternatives before you subject yourself to them.

More than 95 million high tech scams are done each year, and medical scans such as CT, M.R.I. and pet scans, has ballooned into $100 billion dollar industry in the United States with Medicare paying for $14 billion of it.

But recent studies show that as many as 20 to 50 percent of medical scans should never have been done because their results did not help diagnose ailments or treat patients.

Dr. Julian Nicholas, a former Food and Drug Administration scientist, said his job was eliminated after he raised some medical concerns about the safety risks involved in radiation exposure from high grade medical scans.

Dr. Nicholas said at a public hearing that he and other FDA staffers were pressured to change their scientific opinion after they opposed the approval of a CT scanner for routine colon cancer screening. Nicholas said he objected to exposing otherwise healthy patients to the cancer risks of radiation.

The medical concerns you should be aware of about medical scans is that it depends on the dose of radiation you get from them in the area of the body scanned. The lowest dose radiation from a single scan is about equal to the total yearly radiation that we get from normal living or flying in an airplane.

The highest dose for a single scan for a single medical scan gives you up to 15 times this amount of radiation and it is worse for women. For every 150 women in their twenties who get one coronary Angiogram (a CT scan of the heart), one will develop cancer related to the procedure.

Here are a couple of incidents involving medical scans that may interest you. In 2005, a Florida hospital disclosed that 77 brain cancer patients had received 50 percent more radiation than prescribed because a powerful linear accelerator had been incorrectly programmed for nearly a year.

At the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles over 20 unsuspecting patients who underwent a specific type of CT brain scan received eight to ten times the normal dose of radiation also due to an incorrectly programmed machine.

Even though in these cases the excess exposures were not fatal, time will tell how these patients fare out down the line. Because what we do know is that radiation exposure increases your risks of DNA damage and cancer, which can take decades to surface.

The bottom line here is very simple and it's this. If you will just become more educated about healthy living you shouldn’t have to have any medical scans because you shouldn't ever need them.

Leading a healthy life involves a healthy diet, regular exercise, stress management, weight management, nutritional supplements and a positive attitude. Get the best health plan at my website and protect your body from all illnesses and diseases.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Best Health Plan to Prevent Illness

The best health plan to prevent illness is not the new Obama health reform plan. The best health plan is a health education plan. If this type of plan was initiated there would be less sick people.

What is happening here is a massive expansion of the sick-care industry which is already responsible for 20 percent of the U.S. economy. Over the next few years, that percentage will rise to 25 percent, then 30 percent, and the financial mess called "mainstream medicine” may even hit one-third of the entire national economy.


It's now being said that because of the passing of the new health reform legislation there will be a sudden shortage of doctors to cure illness. An excess of disease is more the problem than a shortage of doctors.

So here is really the best health plan to cure illness and that is to prevent illness in the first place. How do we do that? Here's the solution. Unleash the power of nutrition to prevent and reverse disease.

Since we already know that vitamin D, all by itself can prevent nearly 4 out of 5 cancers (http:11www.natural it also helps prevent heart disease, diabetes, depression, seasonal flu and kidney disease.


Knowing all this, here is the best health plan to prevent illness. Distribute free vitamin D supplements across the entire popular without a second thought.

Invest a few pennies in the health of the population and save yourself many dollars in reduced health care costs. Regular Vitamin D supplementation has no negative side effects and requires no prescriptions, no injections and no visits to the doctor. Why isn't that the best health plan on earth?


Now unless you get a majority of congress members to jump on this best health plan to cure illness it will never happen. The sad news is, the sick care industry wouldn't like it at all.

The drug companies, hospitals, conventional doctors, medical schools, medical journals and even the mainstream media just won't like it. Why? It's because they all generate huge profits from the ongoing business of sickness and disease.

Vitamin D would disrupt their profits and people would eventually be able to prevent illness and live a healthier lifestyle. With this best health plan ever it would be possible to reduce the visits to doctors and hospitals.


Here is the critical decision we must make: Do we want sickness or health? Here are the choices:

1) Invest in more doctors and expand the business of disease so the entire population keeps depending on pharmaceutical companies, ignorance about nutrition and accelerated disease.

2) Invest in nutrition and shrink the sick care industry by showing people how to not only prevent illness but also to cure illness. But it is not likely to happen. The new Obama health care plan has already decided how America will be taken care of about their health.

Now whether you want to believe it or not, here is the federal government's thinking about the health care crisis. If you really do the math on this you will find the government cannot afford to have people live very long.

If you teach people how to prevent illness and they live too many years past retirement, they will continue to collect social security benefits. But the problem is social security is broke. It has no real money and only operates on a system of IOU's from the U.S. Treasury.

Do you want to help reverse the national debt? Then die sooner! And this brings us to the health care reform legislation which depending on who you ask contains "death panel" provisions or "taxpayer funded assisted suicide" support.

Whether such provisions actually exist under current reform legislation is hotly debated. But the way it theoretically works is bureaucrats get to decide who lives and who dies based on how much money the state can afford to spend on them.

So this is where we stand right now. The real killer in America is, not cancer, not heart disease, not strokes, accidents or terrorism. The number one cause of death in America is mainstream medicine.

Mainstream medicine kills anywhere from 250,000 to 750,000 a year, depending on whose statistics you believe. If you are a person who wants to live longer and healthier it's imperative to learn how to prevent illness. You can find the best health plan at my website here. Why not go there now?

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Harmful Side Effects of Prescription Drugs

If you have real medical concerns about your personal health condition you should start learning the harmful side effects of prescription drugs. For every hour you spend watching any TV program you will see, in most cases, a total of 5 to 8 commercials of some kind of prescription drug. Not one of them is without some kind of harmful side effect. Some are more harmful than others.

What is really a grave concern of mine is how much aware are most people about the harmful side effects of prescription drugs. While the commercials do mention some of the side effects of the particular drug, how many people really listen that closely? Or since they believe this particular drug will solve their medical concerns, they decide to use it anyway if their doctor prescribes it for them.

It’s very frightening to me that the FDA has little regard for the harmful side effects of prescription drugs and continue to let some stay on the market even though they have caused even deaths. In this article I will make you aware of three prescription drug company products that have harmful side effects and are frequently seem on TV. The first one has been causing some serious discussions about it lately.


Hundreds of people taking Avandia, a controversial diabetes medicine, needlessly suffer heart attacks and heart failure each month. Confidential government reports say that about 500 heart attacks and 300 cases of heart failure would be averted every month if patients switched away from Avandia. One report, by Dr. David Graham and Dr. Kate Gelperin of the FDA, argued that Avandia should be withdrawn from the market. Here are some medical concerns that should be addressed by the FDA immediately, but it is still on the market.

Avandia hit the market in 1999 and following a multimillion-dollar advertising campaign it quickly became a blockbuster drug. By 2006 its annual revenue was $3.2 billion. Sales plummeted to $1.2 billion in 2009, two years after a study was published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) that linked Avandia to a 43 percent increased risk of heart attack and a 64 percent higher risk of cardiovascular death than patients treated with other methods.

Unfortunately, a committee of independent experts recommended that Avandia remain on the market,despite its risks, and a FDA oversight board voted 8 to 7 to accept the advice. It doesn’t seem that even the serious side effects of prescription drugs matters to any prescription drug company any more. I wonder just how many of them had ties to the drug industry?

* Plavix (helps protect you from a future heart attack or stroke)

Now while it is true that even though not all prescription drug company products side effects cause everyone serious problems the fact remains that all prescription drugs still contain some risks. Here are some of those risks that have been noted about Plavix.

Severe allergic reactions (rash; hives; itching; difficulty breathing; tightness in the chest swelling of the mouth, face,lips, or tongue; black, tarry stools;bleeding in the eye; change in vision; change in the amount of urine produced;chest pain;dark or bloody urine; fever or sore throat; loss of appetite; pale;seizures; severe, persistent headache; speech problems; unexplained weight loss; unusual bruising or severe bleeding (eg, excessive bleeding from cuts, increased menstrual bleeding, unexplained vaginal bleeding, unusual bleeding from the gums when brushing); unusual tiredness or weakness; yellowing of the skin or eyes.

* Lunesta (A sleep aide)

Although most people tolerate Lunesta well, it is still possible to develop certain side effects while taking Lunesta. Side effects that are most commonly reported include drowsiness, headache, and infections. Rare but possible side effects (occurring in less than 1 percent of patients) may include high blood pressure, sensitivity to the sun, and hiccups. When Lunesta side effects occur, they are typically minor, but be sure to seek medical attention immediately if you develop serious problems such as suicidal thoughts, anxiety, or hallucinations.

It amazes me why anyone would want to put themselves at risks at using any kind of these prescription drug company products when there is a natural remedy for any of these medical concerns. In general all of these kinds of prescription drugs are nothing more than Bandaid treatments. Using them coof nsistently will never totally solve any of your medical concerns. Visit my website here and get the real facts for managing all your health concerns.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Avoid Eating Food That Kills

There is a product added to enhance taste in foods, called MSG, better known as "monosodium glutamate." It’s a food product you should avoid eating. It is in some food that kills. It is worse than alcohol, nicotine and drugs for damaging your health.

Yet what is truly disturbing to me is that it passed the FDA approval process and has been called "safe". Here again is the agency that is suppose to protect our health and yet approving of a food product that has been proven even “deadly” in some instances.

Regular Media Fails to Inform

The problem is the regular media is not making the public aware of the danger of this "killer product." The only way the average person would even know about this danger is they would have to pick up this information up on the Internet.

The few of us who publish newsletters, write articles or have blogs are generally the ones who can inform the general public about this "killer product". There seems to be more and more things today that are adversely affecting our lives, but only a small amount of the population seems to know those things.

Now just to show you how hazardous this MSG product really is to your health and why you should avoid eating this food that kills, here is what has been found. It's been linked to Alzheimer's disease and Huntington's Chorea. (A central nervous system movement disorder which is extremely disabling for its sufferers)

Many other adverse health effects that have been linked to regular consumption of MSG are:

* Obesity
* Eye Damage
* Headaches
* Fatigue and disorientation
* Depression

MSG consumption has also involved symptoms such as:

* Numbness
*Burning Sensation
* Tingling
* Facial pressure or tightness
* Chest pain or difficulty breathing
* Nausea
* Rapid heartbeat
* Drowsiness
* Weakness

Now the really troublesome thing about this "killer product" is it goes under many other names besides MSG. It's a long list but I'll be glad to provide it to you if you will just email me and put "MSG in the subject line.

Besides avoiding processed food in your typical grocery there are other places to avoid also, that's fast food restaurants. All of them are to some degree adding MSG to their food that kills. For instance at McDonald's, a close reading of a list of their classic recipes from the 50's through the 70's reveals a disturbing amount of MSG in their products has caused much controversy.

Even today MSG is still present in some form in their products: They include Grilled Chicken Filet, Sausage Patty, French Fries and even their diet soft drinks too. What should really shock you is to know that MSG can actually cause many of your brain cells to die. Whew! That is scary and should alert you to avoid eating certain food that kills.

FDA Approval Process is Not Reliable

Another disturbing factor is the concern of a new mom baby’s health. You see if the mother isn’t able to breast-feed her newborn child, she should stay away from formulas, because many of them contain MSG. Her best choice should be feeding raw milk to her baby.

Can you believe the FDA approval process would let this happen? Why is it that living a healthy life here in America has become such a chore? Well here are a couple of reasons.

* Manufactures of food products, which includes not only processed food but also meat, poultry, fish and just about any food product, seem to only think about their profit margin and not people's health. Avoid eating food that kills by purchasing your food in organic supermarkets

* The FDA approval process to make sure all food products are safe is the biggest joke in Washington. I wonder why this is happening? I think I know why it's happening but if I revealed what I think I might be silenced.

So the only real course to follow is to be sure you know what you are eating and make sure you take charge of your personal health yourself. That's the best information I know to give you and that is actually what I do.