Saturday, February 27, 2010

How to Prevent a Heart Attack

A heart attack occurs when the blood supply to the part of the heart muscle (the myocardium) is severely reduced or stopped because one or more of the heart's arteries is blocked. If you are someone you know really wants to know how to prevent a heart attack the best health plan is the Angioprim procedure.

Here's the beginning process of a heart attack. It usually begins with atherosclerosis, the build up of fatty deposits (plaque) inside artery walls. The plaque can rupture, causing a blood clot to form and block the artery. This is just one of the causes of heart disease. Now if the blood supply is cut off for more than a few minutes, heart muscle cells suffer permanent injury or die. This can kill or disable someone, depending on how much heart muscle is damaged. Angioprim is designed to remedy this problem.

Cardiac arrest should be a grave concern to everyone no matter what their age. Cardiac arrest is the stopping of the heartbeat. When a person's heart beat stops abruptly and unexpectedly, it's called sudden cardiac arrest. Death can occur within minutes after the victim collapses. Knowing how to prevent a heart attack could stop this from ever happening to you. The term "massive heart attack" is often mistakenly used to describe sudden cardiac arrest (SCD). A heart attack may cause cardiac arrest and sudden death, but it's not the same thing.

Another issue that could be life threatening is having a stroke. A stroke occurs when a blood vessel that brings oxygen and nutrients to the brain bursts or is clogged by a blood clot of some other particle. Because of this rupture or blockage, part of the brain doesn't get the blood and oxygen it needs. Knowing the causes of heart disease and applying the correct measures will prevent this event from ever happening.

When the brain is deprived of oxygen, nerve cells in the affected area of the brain die within minutes. There are two main types of stroke. One is caused by blood clot or other particles (ischemic strokes) and the other by bleeding from a burst blood vessel (hemorrhage strokes). Ischemic strokes are the most common. Check out Angioprim and see how it can prevent this from ever occuring in your life.

After Effects of Strokes.

When brain cells injured by a stroke can't work, that part of the body they can't control either. This is why a stroke can be so devastating. Brain injury from a stroke can affect the senses, motor activity, speech and the ability to understand speech. Don't let this happen to you, select the best health plan to keep yourself healthy.

These are the daily guidelines to follow:

* Don't use tobacco
* Be physically active
* Eat healthy foods
* Watch your weight
* Manage stress
* Have a positive attitude

2007 Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics

* Coronary Heart Disease

About 1.2 million Americans will have a first or recurrent coronary attack. About 452,000 of these people will die. Coronary heart disease is the nation's single leading cause of death. 325,000 coronary heart disease deaths occur out of hospital or in hospital emergency departments annually.


* Each year about 700,000 people suffer a new or recurrent stroke in the United States.

* Over 150,000 of these people die, making stroke the third leading cause of death.

* About 5.7 million U.S. stroke survivors are alive today, but many of them with permanent stroke related disabilities.

The best health plan you can use to defend yourself against these heart diseases is the suggestions stated earlier in this report. You should be aware of the causes of heart disease and follow the healthy recommendations so your body is prepared to handle any poor health challenges. To assure that your arteries are clear of any obstructions, Angioprim is the best treatment you can use.

If you are finally interested in knowing how to prevent a heart attack and any other heart diseases then the best health plan should include the Angioprim procedure. Most doctors only are interested in curing heart diseases by prescribing drugs or surgery. Take charge and solve your own problem without anyone of these measures.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Prescription Drug Companies Advertising Influence

The prescription drug companies have become masters in influencing the general public that their drugs cure illnesses and diseases. The sorry truth is their products do more harm than good.

Don't Let Drug Advertising Persuade You

Their advertising influence tries to exploit which fears and weaknesses you may face in your health condition. They try to scare you with images of having a heart attack; contacting a deadly disease; problems with sleeping; pain problems and almost any illness you could be facing sometine in the future.

One survey showed that 70 to 80 out of every 100 advertisements related to health in one way or another. We have come to associate getting better or keeping well with taking or using something bought or prescribed.

It is not in the manufacturer's interest to remind us that taking nothing could work just as well. Many advertisements are aimed at people who suffer from ailments like constipation or mild complaints such as colds and coughs which eventually will clear up on their own.

Then you have the sufferers of chronic ailments who will try any kind of drug that is advertised because their doctor has not been able to cure them. Many times what happens is they eventually resort to trying many drugs because they aren't satisfied with the results of the previous one. This can become an even more serious problem when you stack one drug after another drug on top of the previous one.

All Doctors are Targets of Prescription Drug Companies

Not only are the average citizens victims of prescription drug companies influence. Doctors are also victims as well. In fact a great deal of advertising influence is solely directed at them. The American doctor receives enormous amounts of literature and assorted gifts every month to influence them to buy various drugs.

Sales representatives from various prescription drug companies visit most doctors on a regular schedule. Doctors are even exposed to advertisements in free medical papers and other journals too. They may even be invited to see educational films, with lunch and drinks thrown in to persuade them to buy their drugs.

The busy doctors usually have little option but to rely on prescription drug companies for information about new drugs. They are usually exploited for lack of knowledge in order to sell him their particular brand of drug.

Nutrition Ignorance of Medical Community

Here's another thing that I believe is a shame about the medical community. Since doctors did not receive but limited education about nutrition in medical school, they only know how to cure illnesses with drugs.

The prescription drug companies want to keep that knowledge limited and hidden as much as possible because otherwise it would produce more competition for their products. This is the reason that they have tried to destroy the nutritional supplement industry many times.

The prescription drug companies have even hyped up their advertising influence by hiring celebrities to pitch their products. Sally Fields, the actress, promotes Boniva, a drug for Osteoporosis manufactured by Roche and GlaxoSmithKline.

Sally tells how excited she is about the fact that you only need to take this product once a month instead once a week or daily from other competitors. However other competitors drugs are lower in price. By checking the Internet for prices of Boniva here is what I found about it:

Depending on the strength you need whether 2.5 mg per pill or 15 mg , here is an example of the prices from a foreign drug store. 2.5 mg - about $3.90 for 30 tablets. 150 mg – the cost is anywhere from $132.10 to $356.16 for 3 tablets. From Costco in America the cost is $663.35 for 3 tablets or $995.00 for 6 tablets. I couldn't find any 2.5 mg pills from them.

The Real Key To Wellness

Well folks I don't know about you but I'm not a believer in prescription drug companies because I believe that just about any illness can be treated with alternative methods of healing. Prescription drug companies advertising influence does not influence me. In fact I'm appalled at all the drug advertising I see on TV. I'm even amazed how many you see for every hour you spend watching TV.

So let me convince you to do your own research about alternative means for not only curing illnesses but also preventing them. And that's really the key, preventing illnesses and diseases. Start by visiting my website at: You will learn how to start building your own defense against diseases by boosting the power of your immune system. You were born with this valuable tool. Use it wisely and you will become a healthier individual. I guarantee it.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Obesity Problem Triggers Health Alarm

Preventing Obesity in America should be a major concern of every citizen of the U.S. because it has triggered a major health alarm.

Solve that obesity problem now by learning what will solve it

Here is why, almost two thirds (about 66%) of U.S. adults age 20 or older are overweight. Nearly one third (about 31%) of American adults are so overweight that they are considered obese, meaning they have a BMI greater than 30. That breaks down to about 33% of women and 30% of men. Go here for a BMI calculator and see if you have a obesity problem.

Consider these obesity risks that trigger a health alarm.

* Obesity is the #2 cause of preventable death in the United States.

* 60 million Americans, 20 years and older are obese.

* 9 million children and teens ages 6 - 19 are overweight.

* Being overweight or obese increases the risk of health conditions and diseases including: Breast cancer, Coronary heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, Steep Apnea, Gall bladder disease, Osteoarthritis, Colon cancer, Hypertension and Stroke.

Here is one important way for preventing obesity: A study conducted by exercise physiologist in the University of Alabama a Birmingham finds that as little as 80 minutes a week of aerobic or resistance training helps not only to prevent weight gain, but also to inhibit a regain of visceral fat one year after weight loss. If you have an obesity problem this is a great start to solve it, don't you think?

Visceral fat is a reallistic obesity problem. You see unlike subcutaneous fat that lies just under the skin and is noticeable, visceral fat lies in the abdoninal cavity under the abdominal muscle. So here is the obesty risks.

Visceral fat in more dangerous than subcutaneous fat because it often surrounds vital organs. The more visceral fat one has, the greater the obesity problem is. The obesity risks now could be that you could develop Type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Learn more here.

Look at the States in the U.S. with a serious obesity problem that have triggered a major health alarm.

* Mississippi is the fattest state for the 3rd straight year, and Colorado is still the leanest. D.C. loses weight.

* Most obese states are West Virginia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Delaware.

* The states that are the thinnest and have no serious obesity problem are Hawaii, Colorado and the District of Columbia, although not a state.

Now if you are a parent and have a child that is overweight or even obese, it's time to solve their obesity problem. If you are frustrated and tired of failing to help them lose weight and keep it off, then you owe it to your child (and yourself) to get this free report and turn off this health alarm.

Consider these obesity risks:

* The Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that 50% of Kids and Teens will be clinically overweight or obese by 2010. (It's here now)

* Authorities state that this generation of children will be the first to have a shorter life span then their parents.

* This is a Life or Death matter.

The proven solution to the obesity problem is to take charge now and decide on a weight loss program that is guaranteed to get results you want. It's no hype, just an easy, simple answer that works immediately and last.

It's even a strategy the entire family can get involved in. A guarantee plan that will have your child and your whole family excited to do it and see the weight came off and health and vitality returns. Find out more here.

Here's what others are saying about this program:

Sherie Thain: “If I hadn’t started this program, I probably would have found some diet and lost a few pounds, then quickly gained them back (or more), because I wasn’t thinking about changing my lifestyle. But now, with Trim Body, I have changed it – for good!”

Mark Ormsby: “What appeals to me about the Trim Body System is that it’s a complete system. It doesn’t just look at losing weight. It’s a lifestyle change. It takes every aspect of your life into account, and it’s not just specifically a diet plan.”

Order it here Now!
and become a healthier and more vibrant person real soon.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Positive Thought Can Cure Illness

If you ever had a doctor to tell you, “your sickness is all in your head,” most likely you thought he/she was kidding. Patients might have thought the reason the doctor said this is because they couldn’t figure out the source of their symptoms. But it has been proven many times positive thought can cure illness.

The Power of Poaitive Thinking

Science is making strides in brain studies, which are providing proof that positive thought really does affect our brain chemistry and thus our physical and mental health. So thinking positively is not only good for the body but also good for the mind as well

But here is the reverse of that. It’s really true that negative emotions such as fear and stress can not only make us susceptible to disease but also can even cause diseases. Of course the same biochemical mechanisms that work against us may also be utilized to work for us. That could be why being positive about life is usually always upbeat and basically healthy.

The Science of Epigenetics

The new biology takes this even further. It is not just the power of suggestion but the actual thoughts and words chosen by the person, which changes brain chemistry. We have 50 trillion cells in our body, which communicate through neurochemical and vibration signals. Bruce H. Lipton, PHD, has done a large amount of work in this field, which is called epigenetics.

The word epigenetics means “above the genes.” In other words, the mind controls the genes. Dr. Lipton says our minds can re-write our genes. He compares the cell to a computer chip, as each is a bit of information. Both can receive information through different routes and cause a reaction.

Our Thoughts Are Programmed Early In Life

Even though the programming of the cells begins in infancy or before birth, they can be reprogrammed to act differently. The process, which the information goes through to affect the cell, determines the programming of the cell. Cells can become cancerous because they are instructed in some way to do so.

If we realize this and start thinking positively our beliefs will change our messages to our cells. Lipton says by doing this we can actually heal ourselves with positive thought.

However, this is still not all the power of the new biology. The main chemicals, which play a role in our brain chemistry are Dopamine, Serotonin, Norepinephrine and Endorphins. Each of these affects a different area. Most runners know the endorphin effect, which is the runner’s high. Messages sent to the brain tell us to produce more or less of a certain chemical, depending on what the body needs at the time.

We should realize if we subject ourselves to many negative thoughts, we will probably suffer from stress-induced illness. When the mind is stressed, the level of immune protective cells goes down. Now just the opposite is true when your emotions are relaxed, then the number of protective cells go up and thinking positively becomes a plus for us.

Since the 1960’s Cognitive Behavior Therapy, a form of Psychotherapy, has developed based on the premise that especially positive thought can change behavior and overwrite the cell’s memory. You can learn these skills, under the teaching of a therapist. This type of counseling can achieve results quite quickly.

There have been a number of studies that indicate regular meditation can reduce our hypertension (high blood pressure), which is implicated in the vast majority of heart attacks and strokes. It can also lower abnormally high levels of cholesterol in the blood too.

The Value of Regular Meditation

There are other studies that indicate regular meditation may substantially increase blood levels of certain important immune-system hormones, while reducing levels of stress hormones that have been linked to many diseases.

In addition, Meditation is said to be of benefit for migraine, various kinds of back pain, digestive disorders, arthritis, diabetes and thyroid problems.

The human body is a wonderful thing, and now we know the mind is even more incredible! What mystics knew two hundred years ago, we now know for sure, the mind has the power to bring mental, emotional and physical healing. So learn the process of thinking positively and enjoy life even more.

Robert Stuberg, one of the world’s leading authorities on personal and professional success, talks about many of these things presented here. He sums it all up in a few words. “Your thoughts control your life and you control your thoughts.” Learn more Here