Monday, November 30, 2009
Grapes Are a Healing Food
Grapes health benefits are amazing. They are one of leading foods that contains antioxidants. They have healing properties that protect you heart, help prevent cancer, gives you glowing skin and hair and speeds up the wound healing process.
Grapes have been used for centuries for health and beauty. People in Egypt have been eating them for over 6,000 years. European healers have even created an ointment using the sap of grape wines to cure skin and eye ailments. It's best that you buy organic grapes rather than regular grapes. That way you are assured they are free of any pesticides.
Grape leaves have been used to stop bleeding, reduce inflammation and pain. They have also been used to treat cancer, cholera, small pox and host of other diseases. They were brought to America in the 1600’s.
Grape seed oil is a popular supplement that is gaining much popularity in the alternative healing community because it contains concentrations of Vitamin E flavornoids and linoleic acids. Grapes help compound free radicals, which are highly reactive molecules that can damage cell functions, such as the pollution and the sun.
Grape seed oil is also great for treating high blood pressure. It is used to combat many conditions of the heart, such as hardening of the arteries, high cholesterol and poor circulation. It is even used in the treatment of hearing and vision problems. It can help slow down macular degenerative disease and speed up the wound healing process after injury or surgery. Let me also add it can help regulate liver and lung functions. It is normally taken in capsule or tablet form.
Table grapes in berry or wine form are just as beneficial for you. Grapes contain high quantities of quality fiber, B and C vitamins as well as minerals from the soil they are grown in. Red grapes contain high quantities of proanthocyanidins, which protect the heart. But remember this buyers, non organic grapes are heavily sprayed with pesticides. especially grapes imported from other countries. It’s important you know this and go with organic grapes whenever possible.
In the wound healing process as we just mentioned, what is really interesting is how they learned that grapes had this capability. It seems that it all started with a study of tree bark, of all things. It turns out that treating wounds with bark from maritime pine trees is a popular folk remedy in France.
When the researchers looked into the chemistry of this pine bark they found it was rich in proanthocynanidins, the key chemical described in the study. Then they looked through the chemical literature for more convenient source of proanthocynanidins, and found grape seeds. The study was rather different because it was the first time a natural substance had been shown to have such a positive impact on wound healing.
Here we see how free radicals actually serve a positive function. They stimulate the growth of blood vessels and skin during healing. In addition they kill harmful viruses and bacteria. It was found that in the wound healing process, wounds don’t heal as well if you squelch the process of forming free radicals. This doesn’t diminish the negative impact free radicals may have elsewhere in the body. It does, however, show that they serve and important purpose in some situations and shouldn’t be eliminated completely.
As for why these chemicals act differently in wounds than in the rest of the body, it seems the presence of other free radicals in wounds actually changes the properties of the proanthocyanindins themselves. In other words, when they are surrounded by lots of free radicals, proanthocynanindins join them instead of trying to beat them. The advantage is that they last much longer than the free radicals made by the body, which explains why they are so effective.
Isn’t it amazing that nature provides us with so many things in the universe that are a benefit to all our health problems? Healing yourself is very possible when you know what to do to make it happen. I’ve known that for a long time in my research on the Internet and various other sources in the last 5 plus years. But you don’t hear much about it in the local press or on national TV.
You know why? Big Pharma would soon be out of business if the word got out about natural healing any more than it does now. They have many ways of blocking such kinds of this information. Most people don’t realize how much they are being brainwashed by their claims and our government supports them every day. Shame on them!
To your good health,
Sonny Julius
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Children's ADHD Treatments Are Controversial
Here's an irritation of mine that really concerns me about the medical community and Big Pharma and about children's ADHD treatments. When are parents going to take a stand and boldly resist the practice? Most doctor's decision to treat this ailment is usually to prescribe dangerous drugs such as Ritilan. This drug can cause some very dangerous and possible side effects.
Millions of children have been medicated with this dangerous drug which has pushed some of them into psychosis and even suicide. It is the same type of psychotic drug that caused Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris to carry the Columbine massacre on April 20,1999 in Jefferson Country, Colorado. Sadly they killed 13 students and wounded another 25.
Dr. Lendon H. Smith earned his MD degree and began the practice of medicine almost 55years ago. He has fought for children's health and nutrition issues for over three decades. He was among the first to caution against sugar, white flower and junk food known to contribute to sickness, hyperactivity, obesity, allergies and many illness in children and adults.
When he came more aware of this type illness he began to treat children with oral doses of 500 mg magnesium and 1000 mg calcium daily. This treatment took about three weeks to show some positive results. What happened was 80% of those on Ritalin or dextromophetamine were able to get off these and any other stimulants they were on. It did not work on all of them. He said eventually he had them take Vitamin B6 if dream recall was poor and also take essential fatty acids if they had dry skin or a history of eczema.
Here are the facts, no prescription drug company medication is going to cure illness of any kind. Natural medicine healing is the answer for solving a medical problem. People need to realize that their medical concerns will only be solved with these kinds of methods.
It has been found that ADHD is actually a syndrome due to the screening devise of the brain. Since it was declared a disease the medical community and Big Pharma have been compensated for treating it. They have reaped a huge profit on these drugs and at the same time jeopardized the health of millions of children.
Dr. Smith believes that ADHD is really a disorder and not a bona fide disease. It’s a collection of symptoms and signs that seems to get in the way of a child being educated. What is really a shame is a teacher or school administration is usually the one who suggests that the child see a doctor for the behavior problem, whom they know will put a kid on Ritalin or a similar drug.
Dr. Smith goes on to say when he became more familiar with nutrition, he found that if a stimulant had a calming effect like some ADHD drug treatments it meant that the child did not have enough norepinepbrine (a stimulant) in his limbic system. He realized it and knew a child could be helped with a good diet and some healthy nutrients to shore up the enzymes in his brain that make that neurotransmitter.
I am sorry to say that I had an experience in my own family that involved an ADHD diagnosis of my grandson. At this time I tried to convince my daughter that she needed to be aware of an alternative cure for her son instead of what the doctor had prescribed..
I had even put together a folder describing the ADHD disease in detail and the recommended treatment methods to solve it. However she broke down and cried and said it was none of my business. As you might imagine,I was emotionally shanken from that experience and never brought it up again.
My grandson is now about two to three years older since that incident. I don't know if he is still being treated for ADHD but when we made a recent visit to their house it seemed his condition had mellowed somewhat. His behavior is not quite as dramatic as it was before.
Today on TV there was a story about a child that had been put in a room they called the "time out room". He was locked in there because of his behavior in the classroom for about four hours by a teacher's aid and they forgot about him until someone else realized he was there and released him.
Now I know nothing else about this incident or whether it was ADHD related but it sure sounds like it might have been. The mother did say she had had disciplinary problems with him before. The boy was visibly distraught because he had another incident in the past that involved a similar encounter.
Here's something else that greatly concerns me too. Government regulations have contributed to incidents like this. The law that has been enforced concerning child abuse is the one I'm referring to. While I don't condone child abuse I believe the law goes too far in what they believe is defined as actual abuse.
Not only do kids take advantage of this law when they believed they are being abused but sometimes even other family members and acquaintances get involved also. Because of the fear parents have about being arrested or accused they refrain from disciplining their children which them creates additional problems. There have been parents who challenge this law and I applaud them for it.
Parents also have the responsibility of seeing that their children have healthy diets too. They need to buy the healthiest of foods that are usually found in organic supermarkets. They must realize that fast food ingredients are also damaging to their health and their children's health too. Learning the nutritional value of food can be a real asset for managing family health conditions.
It could play a huge role in the abilities to cure illness like (so called) diseases such as ADHD and other child and adult diseases. Why not start now giving that some serious thought and start setting up a healthy regimen every day for all your family functions?
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Parent Advice - Protect Your Children from Medical Decisions
Here's an irritation of mine that really concerns me about the medical community and Big Pharma and about children's ADHD treatments. When are parents going to take a stand and boldly resist the practice? Most doctor's decision to treat this ailment is usually to prescribe dangerous drugs such as Ritilan. This drug can cause some very dangerous and possible side effects.
Millions of children have been medicated with this dangerous drug which has pushed some of them into psychosis and even suicide. It is the same type of psychotic drug that caused Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris to carryout the Columbine massacre on April 20,1999 in Jefferson Country, Colorado. Sadly they killed 13 students and wounded another 25.
Dr. Lendon H. Smith earned his MD degree and began the practice of medicine almost 55years ago. He has fought for children's health and nutrition issues for over three decades. He was among the first to caution against sugar, white flower and junk food known to contribute to sickness, hyperactivity, obesity, allergies and many illness in children and adults.
When he came more aware of this type illness he began to treat children with oral doses of 500 mg magnesium and 1000 mg calcium daily. This treatment took about three weeks to show some positive results. What happened was 80% of those on Ritalin or dextromophetamine were able to get off these and any other stimulants they were on. It did not work on all of them. He said eventually he had them take Vitamin B6 if dream recall was poor and also take essential fatty acids if they had dry skin or a history of eczema.
Here are the facts, no prescription drug company medication is going to cure illness of any kind. Natural medicine healing is the answer for solving a medical problem. People need to realize that their medical concerns will only be solved with these kinds of methods.
It has been found that ADHD is actually a syndrome due to the screening devise of the brain. Since it was declared a disease the medical community and Big Pharma have been compensated for treating it. They have reaped huge profits on these drugs and at the same time jeopardized the health of millions of children.
Dr. Smith believes that ADHD is really a disorder and not a bona fide disease. It’s a collection of symptoms and signs that seems to get in the way of a child being educated. What is really a shame is a teacher or school administration is usually the one who suggests that the child see a doctor for the behavior problem, whom they know will put a kid on Ritalin or a similar drug.
Dr. Smith goes on to say when he became more familiar with nutrition, he found that if a stimulant had a calming effect like some ADHD drug treatments it meant that the child did not have enough norepinepbrine (a stimulant) in his limbic system. He realized it and knew a child could be helped with a good diet and some healthy nutrients to shore up the enzymes in his brain that make that neurotransmitter.
I am sorry to say that I had an experience in my own family that involved an ADHD diagnosis of my grandson. At this time I tried to convince my daughter that she needed to be aware of an alternative cure for her son instead of what the doctor had prescribed..
I had even put together a folder describing the ADHD disease in detail and the recommended treatment methods to solve it. However she broke down and cried and said it was none of my business. As you might imagine I was emotionally shaken from that experience and never brought it up again.
My grandson is now about two to three years older since that incident. I don't know if he is still being treated for ADHD but when we made a recent visit to their house it seemed his condition had mellowed somewhat. His behavior is not quite as dramatic as it was before.
Today on TV there was a story about a child that had been put in a room they called the "time out room"at school. He was locked in there because of his behavior in the classroom for about four hours by a teacher's aide and they forgot about him until someone else realized he was there and released him.
Now I know nothing else about this incident or whether it was ADHD related but it sure sounds like it might have been. The mother did say she had had disciplinary problems with him before. The boy was visibly distraught because he had another incident in the past that involved a similar encounter.
Here's something else that greatly concerns me too. Government regulations have contributed to incidents like this. The law that has been enforced concerning child abuse is the one I'm referring to. While I don't condone child abuse I believe the law goes too far in what they believe is defined as actual abuse.
Not only do kids take advantage of this law when they believed they are being abused but sometimes even other family members and acquaintances get involved also. Because of the fear parents have about being arrested or accused they refrain from disciplining their children which them creates additional problems. There have been parents who challenge this law and I applaud them for it.
Parents also have the responsibility of seeing that their children have healthy diets too. They need to buy the healthiest of foods that are usually found in organic supermarkets. They must realize that fast food ingredients are also damaging to their health and their children's health too. Learning the nutritional value of food can be a real asset for managing family health conditions.
It could play a huge role in the abilities to cure illness like (so called) diseases such as ADHD and other child and adult diseases. Why not start now giving that some serious thought and begin setting up a healthy regimen every day for all your family functions?
View this video and get the real story about the swine flu: Click Here
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Healthy Function of the Immune System is Vital
It’s only been two to three decades that research into the workings of your immune system has really taken off. We now know that the function of the immune system is vitally important to your health. Click Here to watch this immune system animated video where you get a real perspective of how the system really functions.
Prior to that it was not only ignored but also abused by medical procedures and drug therapies that suppress the immune system. Some procedures actually decimating it. In the fifties, tonsillectomies were standard procedure. The tonsils happen to be the first line of defenses against disease and your only defense against the polio virus.
The medical community is beginning to admit, but not too loudly, that the polio epidemic of the fifties was caused by physician intervention. Another medical procedure responsible for suppressing the immune system is the appendectomy. Did you know your appendix is part of your immune system? Do you know there are natural ways of reversing a appendicitis attack?
Did you also know that a appendicitis attack is actually a warning of something even more wrong in your system? Not only that but removing inflamed tonsils or inflamed appendix is equivalent to tossing out your smoke detector because it’s making too much noise. Immunologists tell us the inflamed tonsils are not to be removed under any circumstances.
However this year there will be probably be a million tonsillectomies performed in America, and in some states, removing the appendix is required by law if the lower abdomen is opened. Our bodies know more than doctors do and 20% of the time we actually grow back tonsils and appendix after they have been removed.
Here is something else you need to know also. All surgeries suppress the immune system. The greatest cause of death following a successful surgery is a secondary infection. With a depressed immune system secondary infections are deadly. Antibiotics depress the immune system by taking over its job.
Antibodies also deplete the “good” bacteria (probiotics) needed for cleansing toxins from your system. The purpose here is to let you in on the workings of your immune system; it’s suppressors, triggers, boosters and modulators. The idea here is not to turn you into an immunologist, but rather to teach you some of the basics for learning how to build a stronger immune system.
We have the digestive system; the circulatory system, the nervous system and the respiratory system just to name a few systems. These systems are easily described because they are physically connected.
The immune system, on the other had, consists of unrelated parts and pieces, and much of what connects it together is molecular. The immune system is action and reaction. It has an intelligence of it’s own.
If a microscopic piece of an organ gets into the blood stream either through disease or by injury, the immune system will respond to it as if it were a foreign body. Then having done that, the immune system is now trained to attach the original organ.
The suppressor T-cells have to stop this attach or we have the beginning of an autoimmune response, which is the immune system attacking the person’s own body. When you are referring to the immune systems physical parts, you also call it the human lymphatic system. The human lymphatic system consists of two parts, the primary and secondary organs.
The Primary Organs are: the thymus gland (located beneath the breast bone and functioning at its peak during adolescence) and the bone marrow producing specialized lymphocytes T-cells and B-cells and dispatching them through the lymph vessels to the secondary organs.
The Secondary Organs are: the lymph modes, spleen, tonsils, Peyer’s patches in the small intestines, liver, and appendix to name a few. These are the locations where the molecular parts of the immune system gather in readiness to do battle with the germs, viruses, and allergens (those things causing allergic responses) This what assists in boosting your immune system to a higher level.
There is so much more to explain here about the immune system but it would take many more pages to explain all its functions and its gigantic job for protecting you against all illnesses and diseases. Your diet, daily exercise, stress management, healthy nutrients are all play a huge role in how healthy or unhealthy a body you have. These are the natural immune boosters you need.
If you tend to abuse your body by not attending positively to all those things mentioned above your immune system would also be abused too. So why would you want to break down your defense system? Once you abuse both your body and your immune system severely; this is when you could set yourself up with the possibility of contacting such diseases as cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure or a host of other illnesses and diseases. Is it worth this kind of nonsense? I sure don’t think so.
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