Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Cardiologist Doctor and Traditional Remedies

The Obama healthcare legislation will never be meaningful mostly because of the Cardiologist Doctor and their traditional remedies belief. This one small group of medical providers known as “interventional cardiologists” (IVC’s) and their occulting plaque theory is one big cause of what will be the complete failure of the healthcare legislation.

The cardiologist doctor is kept busy by passing, stenting and smashing plaque and clots that occlude coronary arteries that carry blood to the heart. This procedure eventually becomes a complete failure because it never really solves the real problem.

Many Heart Operation Procedures

When plaque and clogs impair the coronary circulation, the results can be angina, heart attack, stroke or even death. The sad truth is these patients going through this procedure fare no better than patients who had sham surgery, where nothing at all was done. Complete failure of this procedure will continue to be a good reason to either reform the healthcare legislation or start over again with new legislation.

Back in the 1950’s it seemed pretty obvious that to get around to the process of occluding plaque as good, so several ingenious surgical techniques were invented and tested against sham surgeries (where nothing was done.)
These become part of the traditional remedies that the cardiological doctor started to use.

The First Heart Operation Procedure

One of the first idea was called “pericardial poundage”, which was wrapping the heart in a sack. Then a powder in the sack was to feed the heart, providing nutrition and oxygenation. This did not work. After this procedure didn’t work and was a complete failure the cardiologist doctor moved on to ligating (tying off) the clogged artery in hopes of increasing collateral circulation via the other vessels.

Fixing clogged arteries was still the goal of establishing the traditional remedies theory as the right way to go. But since removing the clot was too dangerous, the ingenious coronary artery bypass graft, what you know as a heart “bypass” was invented. Healthcare legislation will never be written the right way because of the influence of the medical society and Big Pharma. Even after ten years of study, the results of the “bypass” procedure is still not good.

The Cardiologist doctors will never believe this procedure has really been a complete failure. These patients did not live any longer than those who received standard medical care. Many did not even survive the procedures. Half the patients had a rough recovery over a year or more, with many becoming cardiac invalids. A significant group suffered memory loss at one year after surgery, and still more suffered memory loss after five years.

Heart Operations Are Still Complete Failures

Why does a cardiologist doctor continue with these traditional remedies forever and ever? Would you think a considerable profit margin might be the answer? Since only about 20% to 30% of all patients who received a “bypass” got some benefit it wasn’t considered a complete failure by them.

However a new technique was soon developed called “angioplasty” This technique using a balloon that is attached to a catheter is fed into the offending clogged area of the artery and then blown up. It smashes the plaque and opens the artery. It was less dangerous than other traditional remedies but no more effective than the heart bypass procedure.

Still determined to stick with their “occluding plaque theory”, stents were soon developed. The cardiologist doctor would use wire tubes inserted into the area where the clog had been smashed by angioplasty. It was believed that stents would stop the artery from reclogging. They really didn’t work and the stented arteries clogged up as quickly as those without stents.

Healthcare Legislation Isn't Solving Health Crisis

So here we are after passing healthcare legislation that the nation's health problems are still not solved. Procedures to cure heart patients still don’t solve the problem. The cardiologist doctor gets richer and the poor heart patient gets sicker. The traditional medical doctor continues to use procedures that eventually become complete failures but people still visit them anyway.

If you truly want to get healthy and fit and solve your medical issues there is only one way. Just make sure you take charge of your personal health yourself. If you want the proper guidance for making that happen visit my website. It is the best health plan to follow.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Government Ideas About Food Regulations

It thoroughly amazes me sometimes that the government ideas about food regulations are the most ridiculous decisions ever made by them. Just recently there was talk about the airlines being forced to eliminate giving peanuts to their passengers because it causes food allergies.

A few months ago there was talk of passing legislation about not providing salt on tables in restaurants. I don’t know if this has become law yet or not but whatever the case it looks like our freedom rights are starting to get challenged with this kind of stupid law.

The FDA Regulations Are Questionable

The FDA regulations about some food are totally ridiculous. They allow some companies to make unbelievable claims about what their product will do. So far FDA Regulations let Cheerios claim that their cereal would help lower cholesterol? There is no way there is any proof this can happen. These government ideas about food regulations continue to frustrate me every day.

Here’s the thing we have to realize. What causes food allergies is the irresponsibility of the individual person’s eating habits. If you are one to know that certain food causes food allergies, don’t eat them.

Our Freedom Rights

Don’t take the freedom rights away from those people who enjoy eating certain foods but cause others to suffer some serious health problems. Why shouldn’t we be able to make our own choices without the government ideas of food regulations interfering?
There needs to be some serious reform of FDA regulations now because they overstep their boundaries every day and violate our freedom rights. Americans are getting fed up with what is happening in many of our government agencies.

The government ideas about salt restriction really has riled up many citizens. Personally I never add salt to my food for two reasons. Number one I’m usually satisfied with the taste of my food. And secondly I don’t want to take the chance of adding any more sodium to my body. But if certain people want to add salt to their food that is their freedom rights. If they want to abuse their body by adding too much salt to their body that is their freedom rights, don’t restrict them.

Government Responsibility

What government ideas should be implementing is to initiate a nationwide educational program to teach people not only how to eat healthy but also how to live healthy and stay healthy. But this is not likely to happen because of the influence of big corporations and Big Pharma. With food producers their biggest concern is to make huge profits. Now that’s OK except when their products causes food allergies or many other health problems.

The processed food industry causes one of the greatest hazards of food safety and it gets worse every day. Because many people want the convenience of preparing meals quicker, they get sucked into the idea that time is more important than preparing healthy home-cooked meals. Here is where FDA regulations really need to get involved because people need to know the hazards of eating this type of food.

The Government ideas regarding Big Pharma is also alarming. Since thousands of people are abusing their body every day eating unhealthy food Big Pharma reaps tremendous profits by selling drugs to solve any illnesses derived from poor eating habits. FDA regulations still continue to Big Pharma produce their poisonous products to treat illnesses even though their products usually cause more harm than good.

Allergy Alarming Statistics

Prescriptions for all types of allergy alone have increased over the past 15 years. Food allergy hospitalization has risen 400 percent. The causes of food allergies are clearly soaring far beyond anything known in the past.

We must be able to protect freedom rights for all our citizens to make their own choices in life but also educate them about how to eat healthy and live healthy. If you believe you may be suffering from a food allergy you must learn what causes food allergies and do a diet elimination challenge. Simply remove all foods that contain what you believe you are allergic too and see if your symptoms improve over the next 30 days.

Get the real health education you need at my website. I have the ideal health plan you need to resolve all of your health issues. You will be glad you finally took charge of your life. Go there now and get started on the healthiest plan and watch how your life changes for the good.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Severe Headaches – A Major Issue About Health

I hear people all the time talking about their severe headaches and it seems to be a major issue with them. I can honestly say I don’t ever remember having a headache at all in my life. If I ever had it’s been longer than I can remember. Some people I have heard of even have daily headaches. That should be very frightening because it is really an alert that something is not right in their body.

A Major Issue About Headaches

So what usually triggers headaches? Well there could be many reasons. Here are a few things that could cause either mild or severe headaches.

* Anxiety:
When you are extremely upset or anxious, you are more likely to develop a headache. And depending on how severe the situation it could even cause severe headaches.

* Glare:
Take it easy on your eyes. Intense bright light in your home or workplace, and sun glare in the car or outdoors, cause tension in your eye muscles. If this condition exists everyday you could have daily headaches.

* Noise:
High levels of noise and ongoing noisy conditions at work or home could create a major issue of severe headaches.

* Medications:
Some prescription medications you take may have the potential to trigger severe headaches. If you notice a pattern of headaches related to when you take your medicine, talk to your doctor about switching medicines.

* Physical Activity:
Watch how much you push yourself. When you exercise or do hard physical labor, the muscles in your head, neck and scalp need more blood to circulate. This swells your blood vessels, which can lead to what’s called “exertional headache”. This could become a major issue and might cause daily headaches if you continue this practical regularly.

* Hormones:
For menstruating women, severe headaches and even migraine headaches are closely tied to the levels of the female hormone estrogen in the body. As your estrogen level fluctuates, especially just before menstruation when it’s at its lowest), severe headaches are most likely to occur and even become a major issue in your life.

* Food Sensitivities:
Watch what you eat and drink. When you eat certain foods, your brain releases neurotransmitters which can cause even daily headaches for some people. Common severe headaches trigger foods are different for everybody, but they may include: aspartame, caffeine, chocolate, alcohol, cultured dairy products, dried fruits, cheese, smoked or dried fish, canned soups, MSG (a food additive), and aged, canned, cured or processed meats.

Address the Problem of Severe Headaches and Daily Headaches

If you or having occasional severe headaches or even daily headaches, this may be an area you want to look into. So here’s a warning I would like to leave you with. Don’t become victim by taking aspirin, Tylenol, Advil or any pain killers. These are only Band Aid treatments and eventually may even become a major issue about your health which may never ever get totally resolved.

Most conventional doctors never seem to solve people’s illnesses permanently they just continue writing prescription after prescription which never solves the underlying problem. All it does is create another major issue regarding your health.
If I was to recommend any doctor to try to resolve your headache problem, it would be a naturopathic or holistic doctor. They cure illnesses with natural and alternative methods.

However many times people can easily solved their own medical problems by initiating six easy steps in their life every day. You can learn about them by signing up for my free six-lesson ecourse. Just go there now and get all the details. I guarantee these methods work. Take a look now and see for yourself.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Some Guidelines for Medicare Benefits Are Troubling

The guidelines for Medicare benefits for the elderly sometimes are very troubling to me. Although I am a senior citizen I do benefit somewhat from Medicare but it is very limited benefits.

What really bothers me the most are the people getting free power chairs and scooters from the Scooter Stores and free products from diabetic accessories stores. Granted there are incidents when some people could benefit from a power chair or scooter from the Scooter Stores but I believe many can survive without them.

However I believe this practice many times becomes a fraud and the Scooter Stores really benefit financially from these guidelines for Medicare benefits. The problem here is that all of us as citizens are paying for this privilege even though we may not ever need a power chair.

One of these Scooter Stores has been in business for 18 years and in that time has made over 475,000 sales. I don’t know how many of these were paid for through the guidelines for Medicare benefits but if it were only 10%, that’s a lot of sales for the Scooter Stores.

Medicare Qualification for Scooter or Power Chair

Here’s how a person qualifies for a scooter or power chair by the guidelines for Medicare benefits. If your limited mobility is the result of a qualifying medical condition and prevents you from accomplishing basic day-to-day tasks independently in your home, Medicare could cover 80% of your new power chair or scooter.

If you have supplemental insurance, it may cover the remaining 20% and if you watch the commercials on TV about the Scooter Stores you see how some people talk about getting their scooter for free. Scooters and/or power chairs sell from $1800 to $5000 a piece. From the looks of some of these scooters on TV most of them look like the deluxe models.

Diabetes Victims

The Guidelines for Medicare also benefits people who buy diabetes accessories too. Again many people with diabetes will qualify for free blood glucose meters and testing supplies paid for by Medicare. These diabetic Medicare supplies companies are making huge profits and you and I are paying for all this too.

As far as the people with diabetes, if they learned how to eat right they wouldn’t have to have insulin or diabetic testing supplies from these diabetic accessories stores. They surely don’t want anyone to know what causes diabetes. No, no, no these companies profit from your ailment just like any company that sells products for people’s ailments.

These Medicare supplies stores TV commercials are very convincing. They say they will send you a free meter and if you qualify for coverage, they will even ship your supplies free and bill Medicare for you.

The Government Accountability Office lists Medicare as a “high risk” government program in need of reform, in part because of its vulnerability to fraud and partly because of its long term financial problems. Fewer than 5% of Medicare claims are audited.

The Real Issue About Health

Here is the real issue. Many people don’t seem to feel as responsible as they should for their own health. They feel if they get sick the government will take care of them. They got that right because it is true “the government will take care of you” in most cases.

What did people do before the guidelines for Medicare program really kicked in years ago? What did they do when there were no “scooter stores” as there are today? What did they do when diabetic Medicare supplies were not free?

Take Charge of Your Health

This is exactly what they did. They took “personal charge” of their health much better than they do today. They didn’t consume multiple doses of prescription drug back then like they do today. It’s a known fact that 25% of seniors take 10 to 19 pills a day for whatever ails them. That is totally shocking to say the least. Not only that it’s highly dangerous to your health to consume that many pills every day.

It’s time to “wake up America” and even “wake up world.” When are you going to get smart and realize that the scooter stores, diabetic Medicare supplies stores and even prescription drug companies are not going to sufficiently solve your health problems? All these companies only supply Band Aid treatments. They are not a lasting cure for whatever medical issues you have.

The Obama government and even all previous governments have failed to address the real issue of health. What we really need is health education not health coverage. If people knew how to better take care of themselves they would not need health insurance to the degree we have now.

I appeal to all citizens young and old to get thoroughly educated, first of all, about prevention measures to prevent illness and disease. Then if you have an ailment or disease or want to know how to prevent them visit my website and begin an education process. Go there now and see what it takes to get healthy and fit.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Proven Ways For Preventing Alzheimer’s

Preventing Alzheimer’s just like so many other diseases is our own responsibility. We cannot blame others for our reckless actions we take sometimes. People are constantly abusing their body everyday and wonder why they get certain diseases.

Boosting your immune system is the primary key for defending your body against all diseases. You can stop getting sick if you will just take certain measures to keep youself healthy.

Here are some shocking facts about Alzheimer’s. In last year’s Alzheimer’s Facts and figures report the number of American stricken with this disease was 5.1 million. This year’s report brings us up to 5.2 million, including 200,000 to 250,000 people under the age of 65 with early onset Alzheimer’s.

The General Public is Ignorant About the Facts

It’s a shame more people don’t realize what is necessary for preventing Alzheimer’s because it is predicted by 2050 there are estimates that a full 10 million U.S. “Baby Boomers” will have come down with Alzheimer’s, which translates to 1 out of 8!

You can stop getting sick from just about any illness or disease by simply boosting your immune system. That is also true for preventing Alzheimer’s as well. Fortunately there are several ways for preventing Alzheimer’s if you will just make some simple lifestyle changes which will keep your brain in optimal working order well past your 60’s.

Here are a few ways for boosting your immune system and preventing Alzheimer’s.

* Eat a nutritious diet with plenty of vegetables and pay special attention to avoiding sugar.
* Eat plenty of high quality omega-3 fih oil. Eat only small fish that have only a small amount of mercury in them.
* Avoid aluminum, such as antiperspirants, cookware etc.
* Exercise for three to five hours a week.
* Avoid flu vaccines as they contain both mercury and aluminum.
* Wild blueberries, which have a high anthocyanin and antitoxant content are known to guard against Alzheimer’s and other neurological diseases.
* Challenge your mind daily. Mental stimulation, such as traveling, learning to play and instrument or doing crossword puzzles, is associated with a decreased risk of Alzheimer’s.

Researchers Suspicions

Researchers suspect that mental challenge helps to build up your brain making it less susceptible to the lessons associated with Alzheimer’s disease. There was a small study by researchers at the University Of Wisconsin where they found another way that was valuable for preventing Alzheimer’s. They found there were strong links between low levels of vitamin D in Alzheimer’s patients and poor outcome of cognitive tests.

Researchers believe that optimal vitamin D levels may enhance the amount of important chemicals in the brain and protect brain cells,thus preventing Alzheimer’s.

There is some very strong evidence that by boosting your immune system with vitamin D, either with supplements or natural sunlight you can substantially reduce the risk of cancer, the flu, diabetes heart disease, autoimmune diseases and even preventing Alzheimer’s.

You can stop getting sick from all kinds of illnesses and diseases if you will just follow some healthy guidelines every day. That’s even true if you decide preventing Alzheimer’s is one of your many health which, is a very debilitating and feared disease.

One other tip I have found recently in a newsletter that I get from Dr. Bruce West for treatment for Alzheimer’s is taking coconut oil daily. Dr. Mary Newport, MD dramatically improved her husband’s Alzheimer’s condition with this treatment.

It has long been a theory that certain types of oils that contain medium chain triglycerides (the kind of fat in coconut oil) can provide substantial help for dementia and Alzheimer’s patients.

It’s frightening to see people already experiencing Alzheimer’s disease and not knowing how to prevent Alzheimer’s. The Medical profession doesn’t do one thing to help people solve or learn about any prevention for illnesses or diseases.

The only way today you will learn to stop getting sick and learn how boosting your immune system is the way to wellness is to search the internet or visit websites such as mine and get the right information. Go there and join my 6 lesson Ecourse and see how easy it is to stop getting sick

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Have A Better Life Using Meditation Exercises

There is a proven method available that by using meditation exercises you can have a better life. This meditation method will help you find and fulfill your purpose in life.

Meditation exercises can help you make better decisions about how to live a better life. Bad decisions lead to disappointment, unhappiness, suffering and failure. Good decisions can bring happiness, respect and love.

Now you can develop and use your natural intuition faculty to detect information that you can use, along with information you obtain by physical means, to help make better decisions to live a better life.

By using mediation exercises you will be able to develop your own ESP and learn to project your mind and information to help make better decisions about health, relationships, business, personal development, and even your purpose in life.

If you have never been able to reach your potential to live a better life then the mediation methods will help you achieve that. By using mediation exercises and developing your ESP here are just a few of many things you can achieve:

* Read people like a book
* Gain knowledge about other’s intentions just by looking at them.
* Project your mind any place in the world to detect information.
* Discover your mission in life. Learn what you were sent here to do.
* Improve the lives of others.
* Live a better life that is prosperous, fulfilled and happy.
* Detect hidden information
* Make all your relationships more fulfilling and meaningful.
* Remove psychological barriers that prevent you to live a better life.
* Get and stay healthy with a simple meditation method needs.
* Relieve stress and relax more easily.
* Learn to trust your intuition to help you make better decisions.

Once you have learned the process of using mediation exercises you are going to be amazed how much easier it will be to live a healthy life. You will soon learn to solve illness and most likely increase your longevity.

Meet the man who developed this system and unlocked the secrets of the human mind. It is none other than Jose Silva. Even though he was born to poor parents in Laredo, Texas on the Mexican border he was always successful. His story is a true American success story. In fact, his story transcends time and space.

It is one of the great success stories in the history of the world. He really learned how to live a healthy life. As a six year old boy he began to support his family. After watrching his father die as a result of a terrorist act during the Mexican revolution.

* Jose learned to read and write on his own in both English and Spanish.
* Instead of going to school, he earned money for his family by selling newspapers.
* By the time he was a teenager, he was an employee and hired other youngsters.

What really caused him to discover the mediation methods was mostly because of his children were not following him in his footsteps. Some bad report cards convinced him that he had to find the answer.

Because Jose was determined to teach his children how to live a healthy life and prosper in their later years he began to study psychology, the study of human behavior.

One of things he learned is that the brain operates on a small amount of electrical energy, and that this current viberates rapidly, twenty times every second, referred to as twenty cycles per second, abbreviated twenty cps.

With this information he began to create his Jose Silva Mind Control program. It has now developed into the Ultra Mind system. Jose has since passed away but the program is now under the direction of his son, Jose Jr.

I took the original course years ago and still use it to this day to help me live a healthy life by handling all of life’s challenges. You can learn more by going to the Silva website. Go there now and learn how to live a healthy life forever starting today.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Most Unhealthy Foods to Avoid

There are many unhealthy foods to avoid today but I want to mention just one that is very troubling to me. The misleading advertisements of one of the most famous name brand product that is in the most unhealthy foods category I want to discuss here. What really prompted me to write this article was the recent endorsement of this product by the Susan G. Komen for the Cure of Cancer organization. For those not familiar with his stupid decision here are the details.

They agreed to a new Alliance with Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) where pink buckets of fried chicken are sold under the slogan, "Buckets for the Cure" If you don't believe this take a look for yourself at this website.

Not only is this decision the most idiotic I have ever heard but the organization is the most disgusting of all cancer fund raising organizations in the world. Can you believe this type of misleading advertisements of one of the most unhealthy foods would be supported by an organization that wants to cure cancer?

They have been running misleading advertisements already about their “march for curing cancer” which doesn't even happen until October, and this is only May. By the time that day comes around they will have convinced thousands of innocent women to participate and promote one of the most unhealthy foods on the market today. This organization is a drug company front group that actually promotes cancer in my opinion. It is really an outright fraud by scamming consumers out of their money while claiming to search for a cure.

Women Are Duped

Are there American women so stupid to believe that this kind of misleading advertisements of one of the most unhealthy foods is going to cure their breast cancer? I am sorry to say "yes" because there are women who really do believe this hog wash. It is not only sad that they believe this hog wash but it should be a serious crime for any organization to promote this type of "misleading advertisements."

So here's the question that you should ask, does fried chicken actually promote cancer? Well fried chicken is coated in starches. The recipe for KFC chicken batter is basically flour, sugar, salt, black pepper and monosodium glutamate (MSG). This is a recipe for chronic degenerative disease because the flour and sugar are highly processed and the MSG is an excitotoxin that Dr. Russell Blaylock links to obesity, cancer and neurological disorders. The chicken itself is yet another cruel story.

The Real Story

Here's why. When you fry starches at high temperatures, you also create acrylamides, toxic chemical by products of cooking that are believed by many health experts to promote cancer. One scientific study even revealed eating acrylamides boosts kidney cancer rates by 59 percent. Acrylamides are also linked to ovarian cancer. So here we are now Susan G. Komen for the Cure promoting food that promotes cancer. Can you believe this is happening? I can because I know the FDA is so corrupt that they turn their heads when a large corporation like KFC is involved.

What is very frustrating is they continue these misleading advertisements for their product which is among the most unhealthy foods in the world. However here is something else that could be interesting. If the Susan G. Komen organization were using such tactics to promote herbal remedies, it would have been shut down and its executives arrested long ago as fraudulent quacks. But because this organization has such strong ties to the profiteering drug companies, it gets away with these fraudulent marketing gimmicks without suffering a single investigation from the FTC or even the mainstream newspapers.

There are hundreds maybe even thousands of misleading advertisements of food products that are among the most unhealthy foods all over the world. The average American is so unaware of this type of abuse that it is very shocking to me. It is rare that the mainstream media never reports the actual facts of situations such as this.

Education Is the Key

Without people becoming more educated about what is affecting their health, America and even other countries will continue to get sicker and sicker. Our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren could even be affected if they don't realize the consequences of not eating healthy.
Don't count on any government agency to protect you. It won't happen. If you are truly interested is becoming more aware of protecting you health visit my website. Go there now. You will be surprised what you learn